Commentary of the Gospell

abril 9, 2024

Born again

There are two kinds of misunderstandings. The first type involves individuals who have not yet acquired enough knowledge and experience to grasp the truth. For these individuals, providing explanations can help them gain understanding and come to know the truth. The second type of misunderstanding pertains to those who are unwilling to understand. These individuals deliberately close their minds to the truth, which they do not wish to accept.

Nicodemus, being an expert in Scripture, should have found Jesus’ teaching on the new birth of a person familiar. The prophets had repeatedly spoken of the very experience that Jesus was referring to. If people do not desire rebirth, they will intentionally misinterpret its meaning. Jesus encourages us to open our minds and hearts to the transformative power of the Spirit of God.

The Gospel brings us hope—a hope that tells us that there is something more beautiful and profitable on the other side of our struggles in life. Our various life experiences are our baptism through which we will be born again. In this journey, keep our gaze fixed on the Cross, which is the only antidote for the poison of sinfulness. 

Jesus declares, “You must be born from above.” This birth is not just a physical one; it is also a spiritual rebirth. The wind, mysterious and unseen, symbolises the Holy Spirit, who moves where He wills. Like the wind, the Spirit’s work is beyond our comprehension. Pope Francis reminds us that this rebirth is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. It involves surrendering to the Spirit’s promptings and allowing God’s grace to continually transform us.
