Commentary of the Gospell

agosto 15, 2022

Assumption of Mary 

If the Assumption of Mary is an assurance of the destiny that awaits us if we choose well, the Magnificat of Mary is a celebration of what God can do in our earthly lives. The Magnificat proclaims a new world order where the people on the margins will be at the center and there will be a new way of being. It is a powerful dream that challenges powers that be.  History confirms how the earthly powers trembled before this hymn: In 1805, the British East India Company banned its recitation in Kolkata. In 1970s, the Argentinian military junta banned it when mothers of the “disappeared” citizens used it to call for nonviolent resistance. In 1980s the Government of Guatemala banned its public recitation. The Magnificat is Mary boldly proclaiming God’s dream. We shall fearlessly realize her dream for the world so as to share in her destiny in heaven.


Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary –  «Mary, sign of hope and joy» (Pope Francis) 

(Pope Francis) Let us look up, the sky is open, it is no longer fearful, it is no longer distant, because on the threshold of heaven there is a mother waiting for us and she is our mother, she loves us, she smiles at us and she helps us with gentleness. Like every mother, she wants the best for her children and says to us: «You are precious in the eyes of God; you are not made for the little satisfactions of the world, but for the great joys of heaven. Let us allow ourselves to be carried by the hand of Our Lady. 

In the prayer of the Salve we, the Catholic people, call Our Lady our hope. Mary possesses what we hope for. She, raised to heaven, is the lure of our hope and the proof that our destiny is not death, but life. In Mary, it has already happened. In us, we do not know how or when it will happen, but we have confidence in God; what he has done for her, he wants to do for us. 

The dogma of Mary’s Assumption into heaven fills life with hope. And where there is hope in something, there is also courage for the struggle. The victory of hope over anguish, of communion over loneliness, of peace over restlessness, of joy and beauty over the nausea of life in the face of death (MC 57,4).

The Magnificat is a canticle of hope, a biblical testimony and an admirable Christian document of the hope and joy of the poor in the Lord. 

One of the most beautiful dedications is that of Our Lady of Hope, whose life was like ours, entirely human. But she never collapsed. Her testimony showed us that hope in God can be stronger than the most bitter reality, and in addition to the message of hope, she gives us the message of joy. In the liturgical texts of this feast, the Church’s invitation to joy stands out. «All generations will rejoice over me, for the Mighty One has done great deeds in me» (Lk.1,49). ( Lk.1,49 ).

Mary, in the Magnificat song, is betting on a world in which the poor get out of trouble and the rich see their fortunes crumble, where the arrogant fall from their pedestals, and the «nobodies» take the reins of the world.

Mary, raised to heaven, is a call to hope and joy, to believe and to know that nothing that we sow will remain unfruitful, that there is an ultimate meaning to everything we do and for which we honestly strive, she represents the beatitude announced by Jesus for all those who listen to the word of God and fulfil it. In Mary the whole of humanity symbolically triumphs. Assumption of Mary, what a horizon of hope and joy!

Prayer: Mary, fill our houses with life, and our hearts with the Spirit who made you the mother of my Lord. 


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid