Commentary of the Gospell

febrero 13, 2024

A Frustrated Jesus

Out of the twelve sentences in today’s gospel, eight of them are questions from Jesus. That’s one too many questions! Jesus seems to be pretty frustrated with the “dumbness” of the disciples. As per Mark’s sequence, this event appears close on heels of Jesus refusing to give a sign to the Pharisees. He knew that Pharisees asked for a sign out of malice and they had already shut their hearts against him. They did not really know him; nor did they want to know him. But the disciples? Having lived with him day and night, having seen every intervention of his from close quarters, they still do not seem to have any clue or meaning for their own lives! If so, how great could be the frustration of Jesus when he sees us with no clue about life and faith even after having fed on his Word and Sacrament for years on end!

Paulson Velyannoor, CMF