Commentary of the Gospell

febrero 12, 2024

The Sigh of Jesus

There is something deeply human and saddening about Jesus giving a deep sigh. When we realize that nothing we say or do makes sense to those around us, we sigh. When unspeakable sorrow wells up within us, we sigh. God sighs when he sees in us shallowness of faith and rebellious resistance to truth, a resistance that prevents the Spirit from entering our hearts. The Pharisees’ demand for a sign was a true sign of their lack of faith in him—for they had already concluded that Jesus was colluding with Beelzebul (Mk 3:22). Jesus leaves without obliging them, for he knew that their minds were totally closed and no sign was going to convince them otherwise. True faith does not need signs; it simply believes, trusts, and loves—the kind James asks us to embrace, in his letter today.

Paulson Velyannoor, CMF