Commentary of the Gospell

abril 19, 2023

Jealousy is like a cancer that grows silently, hidden in the body as it eats away at the healthy tissue. Jealousy eats away at our self-esteem and at our love of neighbor. It is hard to love someone when your energy and attention is focused on the things that they have and the things that you do not have. The influence of social media has made jealousy epidemic in our culture today. Seeing others’ perfectly curated lives inflames our jealousy and increases our dissatisfaction with our own lives.

But we have no need of jealousy because we possess that which is more precious than clothes, jewelry, and fancy vacations. We are loved by God so abundantly that he gave his only Son to deliver us from death and bring us to eternal life – a gift beyond all others. By focusing on the light that Christ brought into the world, we can banish the darkness of jealousy from our hearts.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.