Commentary of the Gospell

diciembre 25, 2022

Behold the Mystery!

In front of the greatest Mystery of all times, words fail. Silence, wonder, tears, joy are the natural expressions. There is just one thing we can do today: Behold the Word-Made-Flesh! Stand there at the crib in your church or at home. Take in the scene:  The highest expression of God’s Love. The helplessness of a baby who is God. The vulnerability of God who is the most powerful. The Master of the universe becoming a cave-man. God of the highest heavens becoming a little child in the manger. One who sits on the throne of stars now lies on straw in a stable. The one who feeds the world now lies in the feeding trough, as food for the world…. Stay before the scene in absolute silence, take it all in, and then break into a song and hug those around you. For, today, salvation has come into our lives, hallelujah! Merry Christmas!


 Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – The Birth of Jesus

God’s grace has been manifested. On this night, we discover in the beauty of God’s love, also our beauty, because we are God’s beloved. In good and in evil, in health and in sickness, happy or sad, in his eyes we are beautiful: not for what we do but for what we are. There is in us an indelible, intangible beauty; an irrepressible beauty that is the core of our being. God reminds us of this today, taking our humanity with love and making it his own.

The Good News of Christmas is the real, tangible and visible Incarnation of God in his Son Jesus Christ, with a very concrete purpose: the salvation, liberation and divinisation of man. The birth of Christ brought us the only salvation. This Good News is the main cause of joy, hope and happiness for every believer. What is the meaning of God’s coming down to earth? In the creed there is a sentence that is recited on Christmas Day on our knees: «For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the power of the Holy Spirit became incarnate of Mary, the Virgin, and was made man». «The answer to the reason for the Incarnation is written in clear letters in Scripture: «For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life» (Jn.3,16). And he continues to save from the most humble and patient love, not by a miracle or a show.

If the heart of society is the family, this is what we can also affirm about the Church: «Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children’s faith», as the Second Vatican Council pointed out, and there is no one like them to transmit human, social and religious values, especially in terms of faith, by bearing witness to it and announcing the Gospel by their word and example. 

Christmas is an invitation to take into account all the little things that are born within us, to have the attitude of Mary and Joseph, an invitation to recognise the many people who enlighten us and make the world a better place, an invitation to welcome the stranger, the one who is different, the one who thinks differently, the one who is of a different religion or social class.

Prayer: The Lord has come, enter into our hearts, and enlighten them with your newborn Word.

(Psalm 97) The ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines & Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid