Commentary of the Gospell

octubre 2, 2022

«Increase our faith»

 Faith comparable to a mustard seed is a faith that is neither proud nor self-confident.

It is a faith that does not pretend to be a great believer by sometimes making a fool of itself.

It is a faith that in its humility feels a great need for God, and in its smallness, abandons itself to God.

It is a faith that in its humility feels a great need for God, and in its littleness abandons itself in complete trust to Him.

It is faith that gives us the ability to look with hope at the ups and downs of life, that helps us to accept even the defeats and sufferings and suffering, knowing that evil will never, never have the last word.

The dominant theme of this Sunday is that of faith. 

The prophet (Hab 2:4) tells us: «The just man lives by faith».

Timothy teaches that the faith must be manifested and proclaimed with determination.

Lord shows us the extraordinary power of faith that moves mountains and changes our lives.

The apostles ask the Lord to «increase our faith» (Lk.17,5).

Since then, these words have not been repeated often, imploring the gift of faith by means of this beautiful prayer.

We all need to believe. Because we often hear the comment

I lack faith, I am not like I used to be, I doubt everything.

But everyone who is able to believe is able to endure doubts, more than once in darkness, doubt and insecurity, but this does not destroy faith, because the one who sincerely seeks God

But this does not destroy faith, because the one who believes, once he has found God, rests.

The great enemy of faith is indifference, which leads us to close our ears to every call that leads us to search for truth.

You would say to the mulberry tree: «Pull up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea and it will obey you,» says the Lord;

How? Faith, like a fire, needs to be nourished.

Wood: the wood of prayer and of life . Sharing it is another necessary means.

We must know how to give a reason for our faith,» as St. Peter demanded of the first Christians.

In this way we will be witnesses of God in our family and professional environment.

Prayer: Let us ask the Lord to increase our faith and confidence.(Psalm 94) May you listen to the voice of the Lord today. Do not harden your heart.



Fanning Faith into Flame

The Lord tells prophet Habakkuk to wait patiently for the fulfilment of the vision given. Paul highlights the need to fan into flame the gifts received from the Lord. Jesus assures the disciples that genuine faith does work wonders.

There is a story about a woman who, having read the gospel about faith moving trees, decided to test it on a tree that was leaning over her house. She went out to the courtyard with the Bible in her hand, read the passage out aloud, and declared to the tree: “I have faith far bigger than the mustard seed. So, I ask you to uproot yourself from here and go elsewhere.” Nothing happened.  Closing the Bible and with a sigh of resignation, she said to herself: “I knew it wouldn’t work.”  Is this lady very different from us? Faith is a gift that, once received, must be “fanned into flame” as St. Paul tells us today, by praying incessantly as the apostles did: “Lord, increase our faith.” Genuine faith also involves a capacity to wait patiently and in hope for God’s vision to unfold in His time. 

“Lord, increase our faith!”

Identify a problem that vexes you and write down how you can approach it with faith.

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid and Paulson from Claretian Publications