Commentary of the Gospell

septiembre 19, 2022

10,000-hour Rule

The “10,000-hour Rule” made famous by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers may help us understand what Jesus means when he says: “Whoever produces will be given more; but from those who do not produce, even what they seem to have will be taken away from them.” Based on his studies on high achievers, Gladwell concludes that if one practices a skill for around 10,000 hours, he/she can become an expert in it. Though recent researchers have found holes in his findings and have argued that practice is one of the many elements that contribute to success, no one can deny that practice is one of the most significant elements. If you don’t use a skill, you lose it. The more you use the skill, the more adept you become. The same applies to the spiritual gifts and fruits of the Spirit: The more you practice them, more of them you have.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines