Commentary of the Gospell

junio 14, 2024

God of small things!

Today’s reading from the first book of Kings features Elijah’s return to Mount Horeb, the same location where God had spoken with Moses during the momentous covenant-making theophany. Elijah was instructed to leave the cave in order to witness the Lord passing by.

The initial occurrences were grand and awe-inspiring-a heavy wind, an earthquake, and a fire. Yet, the Lord was not present in these dramatic displays. It was only in the gentle whisper, the subtlest of sounds, that the Lord’s voice was heard. This stark contrast reminds us of the quiet ways in which God often works, encouraging us to be attentive to these subtle signs.

God frequently manifests himself in the least pretentious manner. These manifestations, often referred to as our ‘sounds of silence,’ can be an unexpected act of kindness, a moment of good news, or the tragedy of an unexpected loss. In these moments, the presence of God is so clearly felt. They are not just fleeting experiences, but small revelations of the divine that we should cherish. They often contain insights into our own spiritual life, guiding us on our journey.

During significant events, it can be challenging to hear God’s voice. Sometimes it feels like God is not present. However, in moments of silence, we are often led to prayer and reflection. These seemingly insignificant moments, actions, or people are important ways in which God is at work.

Biblie Claret