Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 9, 2022

Primacy of the Spirit

The post-Pentecostal transformation of Peter should give us the greatest hope for the possibility of change in ourselves! From such an impulsive, self-centered man who dared to persuade Christ away from his way of the Cross (cf. Mt. 16:22), Peter has now become totally transparent to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He sets aside his own prejudices and hesitations and simply obeys God, with a disarming argument: “Who am I to resist God?” Later, in the Jerusalem Council, Peter, with other apostles and elders would write to the entire Church, mentioning: “It has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and us…” (Acts 15:28). They mention the Spirit first and themselves, second. It is the Spirit who comes first, we must be the following second. It must always be so in the Church—the universal Church all the way to the domestic church of our families as well.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines