Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 8, 2022

Global Shepherds


The Gospel is preached to the Jews, the Gentiles, and to the ends of the earth. John presents the grand finale: people from “ever nation, race, people, and tongue” are gathered in heaven before the Lamb-Shepherd. Jesus declares himself as the Good Shepherd who gives eternal life to his sheep.


In the midst of acute shortage of vocations in a country, one provincial assumes charge and thus addresses his members in his inaugural homily: “Believe me. There is no shortage of vocations. There’s plenty. It is all a problem of distribution, not of numbers.” How true! God does raise up people to tend his sheep; but not always as, when, and where we want him to! If we care to look around, there are many youngsters willing to serve. Sadly, how many congregations have died out in some countries due to the sheer refusal to accept vocations from other regions of the world! What we need to do is to adjust our mental lenses, break down the boundaries of tribalistic thinking, and perceive the Church as one family without borders.


Pray for global readiness and global receptivity to shepherds after the heart of the Master. 


Talk to a youngster about discerning a shepherding vocation in the Church.


4th Sunday of Easter – «My sheep recognise my voice».

Our life is totally safe in the hands of Jesus and the Father, who are one and the same: one love, one mercy, revealed once and for all in the sacrifice of the cross. He is our guide, our teacher, our friend, our model, but above all our Saviour. Sometimes He invites us to follow Him, but we do not realise that it is Him (Pope Francis).

Today is the day of the «Good Shepherd, I know my sheep and they do not know me». (Jn.10,14). How lovingly Jesus expresses the feeling of belonging and communication with his own. The image that had so often filled his eyes on the roads of Galilee, of attentive and patient shepherds; the texts of the prophets heard in the synagogue that spoke to them of a shepherd who would look for the lost sheep and heal the fragile ones. Jesus uses three verbs that become paradigmatic: listen, know, follow. He does not lose anyone who listens, knows and follows him. 

It is a good day to review our attitudes as shepherds, who in one way or another have been entrusted to us. Because we are shepherds of our brothers and sisters, which means that we have to accompany them, to be close to those who have been entrusted to us. 

 Let us pray for priestly and religious vocations, for the Lord insists that we «pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest».

Prayer: Father and good Shepherd, may your voice ring in our ears and may we only follow in your footsteps. 

(Psalm 99) We are your people and sheep of your flock.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid