Commentary of the Gospell

junio 1, 2024

Stand firm in faith

The first reading for today is from the Letter of St. Jude. This letter is often overlooked because it only has one chapter and covers various issues that were present in the community to which it was written. Evidently, some teachers were deviating from the accepted Christian teachings, which led to tensions within the community. 

The author reminds his audience that even the apostles themselves predicted that there would be people who mocked and ridiculed the Christian faith. However, he encourages the listeners to stand firm in their beliefs, to remain prayerful, and to persevere in their faith. The faithful are also advised to correct any confusion they encounter and to help those who may have been led astray. The Apostle emphasizes the importance of relying solely on Christ for protection against falling away from the faith.

It’s possible for us to be misled even in today’s world. Hence, it’s important to be cautious and not blindly accept every new opinion that comes our way. However, being open-minded is equally important. We should be willing to consider new insights into theological positions and be open to changing our perspective if convinced. This is a positive sign of growth. 

In today’s Gospel, the people who confronted Jesus were not open to a discussion with Him as their minds were already made up. As Christians, we believe that Jesus taught with authority received from God, but we acknowledge that we are not all-knowing. New questions arise every day in our lives, communities, cultures, and nations. However, the Jesus of the Gospels remains the same: «yesterday and today and forever.”

If we face challenges to our faith with joy and courage, we stand upon the truth that leads to eternal life.