Commentary on the Gospel for October 24, 2024

octubre 24, 2024

Dear Friends:

This Gospel presents us with some striking words of Jesus that seem to contrast with the image of peace and unity that we often associate with his message. Jesus speaks to us of «setting the world on fire» and of a «division» that will affect even families. To understand this passage, we must remember that Jesus is not speaking of a division out of hatred or selfish conflict, but of the division that occurs when his radical message demands a clear and decisive choice.

The «fire» to which Jesus refers is the fire of the Holy Spirit, the fervor of love and zeal for the kingdom of God. This fire purifies, transforms, and ignites hearts in the mission of bringing the light of Christ to the world. Jesus wants this fire to burn already, because he knows that his message cannot leave us indifferent; he challenges us to take a stand, to live in a different way, which on many occasions provokes incomprehension or rejection, even among those closest to us.

The reference to «division» does not mean that Jesus wants to create discord, but that his message demands a commitment that often breaks with the values and traditions of the world. Those who follow Christ must be willing to face the tensions that arise when the demands of the Gospel meet human expectations, even within the family. Faith in Christ calls us to a deeper and more authentic love, but it also demands of us the courage to stand up for the truth, even when it provokes opposition.

In the memory of St. Anthony Mary Claret, this Gospel takes on a special meaning. Filled with the fire of the Spirit and the love of God, Claret dedicated his life to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel. In his work he faced many difficulties, misunderstandings and persecutions. He preached a message that challenged the conformism and religious indifference of his time and sometimes caused divisions. In the Claretian Family, the source of his missionary inspiration continues to resound: «Fall in love with Jesus Christ and your neighbor, and you will understand everything and do more than I do».

Like St. Anthony Mary Claret, we too are called to be bearers of the Good News of the Gospel. We should not fear the conflicts and trials that may arise in our following of Jesus. He warns us that following him will not always be easy, but the promise is immense: a renewed life and a more human and fraternal world. With the same passion and courage of Claret, may we know how to live our mission with dedication, being witnesses of the Kingdom and signs of hope in every place where we find ourselves.

Edgardo Guzmán, CMF