Commentary on the Gospel for Wednesday, October 9, 2024

octubre 9, 2024

Dear friends,

Paul thinks he is an apostle to the Gentiles. The Church of Jerusalem confirmed this to him. This is the letter that says his preaching is authentic. It was written to stop the Judaising tendencies that wanted to subject the Gentile Christians to Jewish prescriptions. Paul talks about one of the great conflicts in the early church. It almost split the church. In the end, unity was maintained, but not without pain.

In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us the Lord’s Prayer. It answers his disciples’ concerns about prayer. «Teach us to pray.» It is the most important prayer. It helps us understand our faith and experience God as our Father. The Lord’s Prayer is a simple way to find your way to the centre. Luke’s version takes us to the centre through four essential petitions: the kingdom, bread, forgiveness and temptation. Jesus prays to connect with his Father. Jesus knows how to journey to the centre. From the centre, he connects with everyone and everything. These expressions can be misunderstood when we have talked about going to the edge. There’s no contradiction. Here, ‘centre’ doesn’t mean power, but the heart. To travel to the centre is to discover God, ourselves and others. That’s why praying is like breathing.
