Gospel commentary for Monady, November 17, 2024

noviembre 18, 2024

Faith and Following Jesus

In today’s Gospel, we find the story of a blind man who meets Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem as Jesus approaches His ultimate sacrifice. This journey signifies the concluding phase of Jesus’s mission. Along this path, we are reminded of faith’s transformative power and the call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

The blind man, seated by the roadside, feels a deep desperation. His physical blindness symbolises the spiritual blindness that many of us face at times, preventing us from clearly seeing Jesus amid life’s difficulties. Yet, upon hearing that Jesus is passing through, he cries out with remarkable faith: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” He neither demands miracles nor healing; he merely calls out, acknowledging that Jesus represents his sole source of hope.

Despite the crowd’s attempts to quiet him, he continues to call out. Jesus pauses and calls him forward. Once the man receives his sight, he follows Jesus on the journey toward the cross. This man’s physical healing symbolizes a deeper faith transformation, encouraging each of us to follow Jesus with open hearts, ready to let go of our preconceived notions and embrace the path God has laid out for us.

Like the blind man, we are called to let go of any conditions we place on our faith and instead to “follow Jesus along the way,” trusting fully in His guidance. As we journey toward our own “Jerusalem,” may we see beyond our limitations, hear the cries of the poor, and embrace a faith that transforms our lives and the world around us.

How do I respond to the cries of those in need around me? Let us walk alongside Jesus, allowing our faith to be a source of transformation, courage, and compassion in the lives of others.