Gospel commentary for Thursday, December 12, 2024

diciembre 12, 2024

A Mother’s Call to Renewed Faith and Hope 

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us that God’s providence never ceases. Through Mary, He manifests His tenderness and mercy in moments of great need, revealing His deep care for humanity. As Saint Paul writes in Galatians 4:4, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman.” Through Mary, the Eternal One entered our world, becoming «God-with-us» to walk alongside us in love and solidarity.

Nearly five centuries ago, in a time of upheaval in the Americas, God sent Mary to Tepeyac as the Mother of the “true God for whom we live.” She came not to exclude but to embrace all people, especially the poor and forgotten, with her motherly presence and consolation. Her apparition to Saint Juan Diego transformed a fractured world into fertile ground for the Gospel. Through her tender care, she brought dignity and hope to the oppressed.

Today, as we face the rumblings of war, injustice, and suffering, Mary continues to set out «in haste,» inviting us to trust in her Son and to abandon fear and indifference. She calls us to fraternity, urging us to reach out to the forgotten and discarded in our communities. Like Mary, we are called to act swiftly, with love and courage, to embody the Gospel.

As we journey toward the fifth centennial of the Guadalupean apparition, let us renew our commitment to Christ through Our Lady of Guadalupe. She desires to stay with us, guide us in becoming credible witnesses of Christ’s love, and build a culture of care and inclusion.

May Our Lady of Guadalupe lead us to her Son, that we may live with joy, hope, and peace, proclaiming: “Maranathá! Come, Lord Jesus!”