First Reading: Isaiah 58:1-9a
Is this the manner of fasting I wish?
Thus says the Lord God:
Cry out full-throated and unsparingly,
lift up your voice like a trumpet blast;
Tell my people their wickedness,
and the house of Jacob their sins.
They seek me day after day,
and desire to know my ways,
Like a nation that has done what is just
and not abandoned the law of their God;
They ask me to declare what is due them,
pleased to gain access to God.
“Why do we fast, and you do not see it?
afflict ourselves, and you take no note of it?”
Lo, on your fast day you carry out your own pursuits,
and drive all your laborers.
Yes, your fast ends in quarreling and fighting,
striking with wicked claw.
Would that today you might fast
so as to make your voice heard on high!
Is this the manner of fasting I wish,
of keeping a day of penance:
That a man bow his head like a reed
and lie in sackcloth and ashes?
Do you call this a fast,
a day acceptable to the Lord?
This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:
releasing those bound unjustly,
untying the thongs of the yoke;
Setting free the oppressed,
breaking every yoke;
Sharing your bread with the hungry,
sheltering the oppressed and the homeless;
Clothing the naked when you see them,
and not turning your back on your own.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your wound shall quickly be healed;
Your vindication shall go before you,
and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer,
you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am!
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19
R./ A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;
in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.
Thoroughly wash me from my guilt
and of my sin cleanse me.
R./ A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
For I acknowledge my offense,
and my sin is before me always:
“Against you only have I sinned,
and done what is evil in your sight.”
R./ A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
For you are not pleased with sacrifices;
should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it.
My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
R./ A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn
Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:14-15
When the bridegroom is taken from them, then they will fast
The disciples of John approached Jesus and said,
“Why do we and the Pharisees fast much,
but your disciples do not fast?”
Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests mourn
as long as the bridegroom is with them?
The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them,
and then they will fast.”
When I was little, and we celebrated May in the religious school I attended, they gave us a little booklet where we had to write down the sacrifices we made each day in honor of the Virgin Mary. Filling out that booklet was a way of showing our love for her. It was also a way of accumulating merits before her and, given her closeness to God, before God Himself. This is how fasting and sacrifices have been understood in the Church for a long time. It is about accumulating acts that cause us pain or are difficult for us to do. This is how we fill our booklet throughout life. We express our devotion this way. For example, if we make a pilgrimage on our knees, it seems to have much more value –it is more sacrificial– than if we do it walking. And this way we accumulate merits before God to achieve our salvation or the forgiveness of sins.
But Jesus’ message is not about that. The Gospel speaks to us about God’s free love. We don’t need to earn merits to achieve anything before God. Salvation, forgiveness, life, is a free gift from God (this is something very hard for us to believe). Fasting is not the way to achieve anything before God. We do not need to mourn because the bridegroom, Jesus, is with us. We have Him present in the Eucharist.
If we want to fast, it’s better to listen to Isaiah in the first reading when he says: “This is the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, to break every yoke, to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the homeless poor into your house, to cover the naked when you see them, and not to hide from your own kin.” In other words, fewer artificial sacrifices that lead us nowhere and more cultivating fraternity and getting closer to the poor and those who suffer. Less getting lost in trivialities and more focusing on what is fundamental: building the Kingdom with Jesus and with our brothers and sisters, without leaving anyone behind.
Fernando Torres, cmfIntroduction
People in the Old Testament ask: “What is the use of fasting?” God seems not to be near when they fast. The prophet tells them because real fasting consists in justice and love. Since God has made a covenant with his people, that covenant comprises also of justice and love from one person to the other. In the Gospel, the disciples of John, who fasted, were asking the disciples of Jesus why these didn’t fast. In the other parts of the Gospel, Jesus gives an answer similar to that of the prophet, but now Jesus said that because he has come and is with his disciples, they should rejoice rather than fast.
Opening Prayer
Lord of the Covenant,
we don’t have not to fear your judgment
if like you, we become rich in mercy
and full of compassion to our neighbor.
May we not only know that you ask us,
to practice with sincere hearts
sharing our food with the hungry
and to loosen the bonds of injustice,
that through us your light may shine
and your healing spread far and wide.
Be with us in your goodness.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
General Intercessions
– For the Church that she be concerned that no one is trampled upon or exploited, we pray:
– For the leaders of nations, that they may bring justice to their people and care for the poor, we pray:
– For all of us, that we may have eyes, ears, and hearts for people in need and those who try to hide that they are distressed and poverty-stricken, we pray:
Prayer over the Gifts
God of mercy and compassion,
you have invited us at the table of your Son,
that we may learn from him
to share our food and ourselves
with everyone in need.
Do not allow us ever to forget
how good you have been to us
and how you let Jesus raise us up
from our selfish greed.
Let his love grow and shine among us,
for he is our Lord for ever.
Prayer after Communion
Merciful God,
we are seeking you
and we want to be close to you.
Accept our thanks that you let us find you
in the lively, challenging word of Jesus
and in his presence among us
as our food and drink of life and joy.
Make us bring him especially
to people who suffer and are in need.
Let this be the way that we
find healing and compassion,
through Christ, our Lord.
Jesus wants to stay with us as the source of our life and our joy. May we recognize his presence among us in the weak and the victims of injustice. May God bless you for this task, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.