Today, 22nd of February, we celebrate
The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle
The Lord God says this: Now I am sending my messenger ahead of me to clear the way; then suddenly the Lord for whom you long will enter the sanctuary. The envoy of the covenant which you so greatly desire already comes, says Yahweh of hosts. Who can bear the day of his coming and remain standing when he appears? For he will be like fire in the foundry and like the lye used for bleaching.
He will be as a refiner or a fuller. He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. So Yahweh will have priests who will present the offering as it should be. Then Yahweh will accept with pleasure the offering of Judah and Jerusalem, as in former days.
R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
Lift up, O gates, your lintels;
reach up, you ancient portals,
that the king of glory may come in!
R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
Who is this king of glory?
The LORD, strong and mighty,
the LORD, mighty in battle.
R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
Lift up, O gates, your lintels;
reach up, you ancient portals,
that the king of glory may come in!
R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
Who is this king of glory?
The LORD of hosts; he is the king of glory.
R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
Because all those children share one same nature of flesh and blood, Jesus likewise had to share this nature. This is why his death destroyed the one holding the power of death, that is the devil, and freed those who remained in bondage all their lifetime because of the fear of death.
Jesus came to take by the hand not the angels but the human race. So he had to be like his brothers and sisters in every respect, in order to be the High Priest faithful to God and merciful to them, a priest able to ask pardon and atone for their sins. Having been tested through suffering, he is able to help those who are tested.
When the day came for the purification according to the law of Moses, the parents of Jesus brought the baby up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as it is written in the law of the Lord: Every firstborn male shall be consecrated to God. And they offered a sacrifice as ordered in the law of the Lord: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.
There lived in Jerusalem at this time a very upright and devout man named Simeon; the Holy Spirit was in him. He looked forward to the time when the Lord would comfort Israel, and he had been assured by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before seeing the Messiah of the Lord. So he was led into the Temple by the Holy Spirit at the time the parents brought the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law.
Simeon took the child in his arms and blessed God, saying,
“Now, O Lord, you can dismiss
your servant in peace,
for you have fulfilled your word
and my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you display for all the people to see.
Here is the light you will reveal to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.”
His father and mother wondered at what was said about the child. Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “See him; he will be for the rise or fall of the multitudes of Israel. He shall stand as a sign of contradiction, while a sword will pierce your own soul. Then the secret thoughts of many may be brought to light.”
There was also a prophetess named Anna, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. After leaving her father’s home, she had been seven years with her husband, and since then she had been continually about the Temple, serving God as a widow night and day in fasting and prayer. She was now eighty-four. Coming up at that time, she gave praise to God and spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.
When the parents had fulfilled all that was required by the law of the Lord, they returned to their town, Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew in stature and strength and was filled with wisdom: the grace of God was upon him.
Dear brothers and sisters, peace and blessings to you.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Hard to believe, but forty days have already passed since Christmas. Joseph and Mary travel to Jerusalem to fulfill the Jewish purification rites. This moment is another revelation of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah—yet only two people, Simeon and Anna, were able to recognize Him.
In Bethlehem, the glory of the Lord shone upon the shepherds. In distant lands, the star guided the Magi. And now, in the Temple of Jerusalem, light has appeared for all people. This feast serves as a bridge between Christmas and Easter, with Mary, the Mother of God, as the connecting link between these two key moments of salvation. In the Eastern tradition, this day is known as the Feast of the Encounter, symbolizing the meeting of the Christ Child and the elder Simeon, the union of the Old and New Testaments.
The Consecrated Life: A Call to Witness
As we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the Church also marks the Day of Consecrated Life. St. John Paul II established this day so that the Church would increasingly value the witness of consecrated persons and so that they, in turn, might renew their commitment to the Lord.
Pope Francis reminds us that to be “pilgrims and sowers of hope”, consecrated men and women turn to the Lord and feel “anchored in hope”, firmly grasping the anchor of the soul, secure and steadfast, that reaches beyond the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us (Hebrews 6:18-20).
Reflections from Today’s Readings
In the book of Malachi, the Jewish people were questioning where the God of justice was. The prophet responds by proclaiming the coming of the long-awaited Savior, who would purify the temple so that the people’s offerings would once again be just and pleasing to God.
Malachi’s prophecy was fulfilled with the arrival of Jesus, who entered the Temple that should have been a house of prayer for all people but had been turned by priests and Levites into a den of thieves. Just as in Jesus’ time, there is still resistance today to accepting the coming of the Savior. This passage invites us to open the doors of our own temples—our hearts—to the Lord, who comes to purify them.
The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us of the Incarnation of the Lord. Jesus did not come to help angels, but to become one of us, to be our connection with the Father. He took on our fears and struggles, sharing in our weaknesses from the inside, not as a distant observer. Since He was tested in every way, yet without sin, He understands our struggles, offering us help when we feel overwhelmed.
A Different Kind of Arrival
Israel had long clung to Malachi’s prophecy, expecting God to show His power against those who failed to keep the law. But Jesus’ arrival in the Temple was not what they imagined. The Pharisees expected a grand entrance, perhaps with angelic legions, as a severe judge ready to condemn.
Instead, He arrives as a newborn, fragile and helpless, wrapped in simple cloth, cradled in the arms of a young teenage girl, accompanied by her husband.
Mary and Joseph understood that the Child did not belong to them—He was entrusted to them by God to be cared for until the day He would begin His mission. With trust, they brought Him to the Temple so that the world would know: He had arrived.
The Encounter with Simeon and Anna
This sacred encounter happens with two elderly figures—one man and one woman, the only ones able to recognize the Messiah. We still remember their names: Simeon and Anna.
A man and a woman, at the twilight of their lives, meet the Light of the World, just forty days old. This encounter was so powerful it prepared them to depart in peace. Simeon himself proclaims:
“Now, Lord, according to Your promise, You may let Your servant go in peace.”
Called to Bear Witness
The Savior Himself faced death. Because He was fully incarnate, He had to confront the “sister death”, as St. Francis called it. But Jesus embraced death as the Lord that He is, defeating it by surrendering Himself to it. He refused to let fear silence His testimony.
This call to witness our faith is for all Christians. No one is exempt from giving a reason for their faith. But some are called in a special way to a life of total dedication to God, holding nothing back. This is the testimony that religious men and women are called to live.
A personal encounter with Christ changes a person’s life. From that encounter comes the call to follow Him more closely, even at great risk. But like Mary and Joseph, this call must be answered with absolute trust in God.
A Prayer for the Consecrated Life
We are in great need of prayer and support. That is why it seems fitting to end with the prayer prepared by the Spanish Bishops’ Conference for this year’s Day of Consecrated Life.
Jubilee Prayer for the XXIX Day of Consecrated Life
Father in heaven,
the faith You have given us in Your Son Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
awaken in us the blessed hope of the coming of Your Kingdom.
May Your grace transform us into dedicated cultivators
of the seeds of the Gospel,
which ferment humanity and the cosmos,
as we await with confidence the new heavens and the new earth,
where, having overcome the forces of evil,
Your glory will shine forever.
May the grace of the Jubilee Year rekindle in us,
pilgrims of hope, the desire for heavenly goods,
and may it pour out upon the whole world
the joy and peace of our Redeemer.
To You, God, blessed forever,
be praise and glory for all eternity.
Your brother in faith,
Alejandro Carbajo, C.M.F.Jesus shared the same flesh and blood as we
so that he could become completely
like his brothers and sisters
and, compassionate and trustworthy,
atone for our human sins.
May this Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.
We have come together to celebrate today the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It is a feast of joy because of the hope this child brings to people old and young: here is the future, here is salvation: God has kept his promise of life and pardon. But there is also sadness in it: the child will bring pain to his mother and he will be rejected even by some of his own people, though he comes as a light for all. Let the lighted candles in our hands be the sign that we do not reject him but follow him as the light of our life.
Let us pray that the Lord may light in our hearts
the fire to follow Jesus our light.
God our Father, you are the true light.
When you speak, darkness gives way to daylight,
the world reflects your brightness,
we can live in the light of your love.
Make yourself known to us
as we carry these lighted candles into your church
and make our faces resplendent with your glory.
Make us children of light,
keep us from the darkness of sin
and lead us to your everlasting light
through him who is our way, our truth and life
and the light of the world,
Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
(Sprinkling with holy water in silence.)
Let us go in peace to meet the Lord.
In the Mass with blessing of candles, there is no penitential act after the entrance song but the Mass continues with the Gloria and the Opening Prayer. In other Masses of the day without blessing of candles, the following penitential act could be used:
We have at times followed "lights"
other than Christ, the true Light.
We ask now the Lord to forgive us.
Lord Jesus, let your light guide us
on the road to the Father:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, shine on us
the light of truth and wisdom of the Spirit:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, let the light of your mercy
gather all nations in your love:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Have mercy on us, Lord,
and forgive us all our sins.
May we walk in the light of Christ
until you lead us into everlasting life. R/ Amen.
Let us pray that with Jesus our light
we may set out resolutely
on the road of renewal
Our God and Father,
it is hard for us to say farewell
to all that looks familiar and safe:
our settled ways, our self-complacency,
our certainties and practices.
We offer ourselves with Jesus our Lord
and ask for the strength to follow his light.
Help us accept with him
the insecurity of true renewal
and to bring to all around us
the light and the warmth of your Son.
Let this be the sacrifice we offer you today
together with Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
First Reading Introduction: The Savior Will Purify You
The Savior will come to his temple, that is, live among his people to purify our hearts. Then our offerings will be pleasing to God.
Second Reading Introduction: Jesus Became Like Us to Help Us
Jesus became human like us to understand us, to be one with us in our trials, to make us free for God and one another.
Gospel Introduction: The Light Shines for Those Who Accept It
Those who wait with faith for God's coming will recognize him even in his humble appearances. But to follow Christ is often demanding.
Let us pray together to Jesus, our compassionate and trustworthy high priest, who is able to help all our brothers and sisters, and let us say: R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
- That our Lord may accept children, even if no one presents them to him, let us pray: R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
- That our Lord may accept parents, even if they have not succeeded in bringing their children to him, let us pray: R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
- That our Lord may accept old people, even if they have not yet recognized the Savior and have not found peace, let us pray: R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
- That our Lord may accept all peoples, even if they are not aware of the riches Christ offers them and of the happiness he has prepared for them, let us pray:R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
- That the Lord may accept all Christians, even if they have failed to let his light shine on all nations, let us pray: R/ Lord, welcome us to your light and love.
Lord, accept our prayer in this holy place where you have come to encounter us. Show your love to all those we have presented to you, our Lord for ever and ever. R/ Amen.
Lord God, almighty and loving Father,
you let your light shine in our darkness;
you give us your Son Jesus Christ,
and let us share in his offering.
Accept us with our half-truths
and our groping efforts to seek your will.
Purify our faith in the trials of life.
May our offering be pleasing to you
through Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
Jesus was offered in the Temple. With him and with Mary and Joseph we offer ourselves to be with Jesus a light to our brothers and sisters.
Let us offer the prayer of Jesus
to our Father in heaven: R/ Our Father...
Deliver us, Lord, from the darkness of sin
and let the light of your love and peace
shine on us, your people.
Purify your Church, that it may bear witness
to the light of the gospel
in a world torn by wars and strife.
Let your kindly light lead us forward
in hope and joy,
as we work for the full coming among us
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...
This is our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is the light that came into this world
to enlighten all people.
Happy are we to share in his offering
and to receive him as the bread of life. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...
Our God and Father,
you spoke your mighty word to the world
and there was light.
You have spoken your Word Jesus Christ among us
and there is light in our minds and hearts.
Do not allow us to keep this light of Jesus
hidden under the shade of our mediocrity,
but let it shine in our words and deeds,
that it may brighten the footsteps
of all people in search of the truth.
We ask you this on account of him
who is the light and the guiding star of our lives,
Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.
We have seen today the true light
that shines on our lives.
This is the light we intend to follow
and let be the guide of all we do.
For in this light we see where we are going
and where it will lead us.
Let it shine on us and in us!
May all see it and follow it.
May almighty God bless you,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Go in peace and take the light of Christ with you
to let it shine on all. R/ Thanks be to God.