Saint Cajetan lived in the XVI century. By birth, Italian. By profession, jurisconsult, accredited. By ministry, priest of Christ. By name, Cajetan of Tiene. He was born in the year 1480, and spent about forty years moving in a level of spirituality that was not relevant. But around the age of forty, in the year 1520, he felt especially touched by the finger of God, and he decided to follow the path of those we call «saints».
He joined forces with some collaborators, chose to live in pure love, and dedicated himself to promoting the reform of priestly life among the clergy of Italy by returning to a style and rigor of life reminiscent of that of the early Church: in poverty, community, prayer and service.
Moved by this charism, and for the good of the people of God, the Theatine religious arose in the history of the Church. St. Cajetan died in 1547 in Naples.