Saint Isidore

Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial

He was born in Seville, into a noble family originally from Cartagena, who were part of the Hispano-Roman upper class. His mom might have been Visigothic, though. Isidore’s brothers were saints too: Leander, Fulgentius, and Florentina. All three of the boys became bishops, and Florentina became a nun. Leander, the oldest brother, was Isidore’s tutor and teacher after their parents passed away.

Isidore was a clergyman in Seville (not a monk). He took over the bishopric of Seville from Leander, and he held that position for almost forty years, working hard and full of pastoral zeal. We need to look at all of Isidore’s writings in light of how much he cared about the education of clergymen. He saw education as the most important pastoral tool for God’s ministers. That’s why this holy bishop encouraged the creation of schools for both clergy and monks.

Isidore was really popular during the Middle Ages. For example, we still have almost a thousand copies of just one of his books, the Etymologies! He was a compiler and a master at organizing ancient knowledge. Along with Cassiodorus and Boethius, Isidore was one of the most important teachers in medieval Europe. His personal reputation was clear from the church councils he led in Seville and Toledo. He died on April 4th, in the year 636.