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2011 Young Women in Public Affairs Award Recipients

Armand Dean Nocum - Tue, Aug 30th 2011

Five Commited Girls good models to follow their example.



We are re-posting the official announcement of the Zonta International relative to the five winners of the 2011 Young Women in Public Affairs Award (YWPA) from the US, Switzerland, India, Ghana and my daughter Arizza from the Philippines. We wish to thank and congratulate Zonta International and the 1,200 Zonta clubs across 64 countries which helped in the screening and selection of the world winners. 


We thank all the officials and members of Zonta International for "advancing the status of women worldwide." There is indeed hope in the youth of the world, judging from the accomplishments of the four other winners. We are happy yet humbled that Arizza is part of the group of global winners.                          

Thank you Lord!

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