tagged articles with: catholic

Filipino Jesuit finds home in Cambodian mission

Filipino Jesuit finds home in Cambodian mission

Mark Saludes - UCA News - Activities el Tue, Jan 31st 2017

Father Totet Banaybal's goal is not to change local culture but show people the 'goodness of the church' Filipino Jesuit finds home in Cambodian mission. Totet Banaybal, a Filipino Jesuit student, had to learn a lot of things when he first went to Cambodia in 1994. "It was not easy," he recalls. Everything was unlike what he was used to back home, such as removing his shoes before someone’s home. 

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Gwen Griffith-Dickson - The Tablet - Church Issues el Thu, Dec 31st 2015

The Commission’s vision report: a nation with a deeply-rooted Christian history, but which has accommodated others at an ever-accelerating pace. It argues that all should be treated with equal respect and concern, knowing that their culture, religion and beliefs are embraced and valued as contributing to the nation’s common life.

The Year of Mercy and the importance of conversion

The Year of Mercy and the importance of conversion

Vatican Radio - Activities el Mon, Dec 7th 2015

(Vatican Radio) Before the recitation of the Marian Prayer on the second Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis referred to Sunday’s liturgy in which John the Baptist, preaches "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins". The Holy Father pointed out that conversion is not just for atheists but also for those who already consider themselves Christians.

Ideas that the Faith should be built on

Ideas that the Faith should be built on

Editorial -The Tablet - 05/11/15 - Articles el Thu, Dec 3rd 2015

What does a merciful Church look like, not just from the papal balcony overlooking the Piazza San Pietro but at the grass roots? Some answers to this question were beginning to emerge at a three-day conference at Durham University few week ago, held as the high point of this year’s celebrations of The Tablet’s 175th anniversary. 

Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

K. Albert Little - The Cordial Catholic - Ecumenism el Thu, Nov 12th 2015

When I decided, as an Evangelical Protestant, to become a Catholic it was for a myriad of reasons. The appeal of the ancient tradition, the beauty of the Liturgy, and the succinct, coherent theology are only a few of the compelling aspects that drew me in. There are many more. But what I did not realize, as I began my first tentative steps to cross the Tiber, was how becoming a Catholic would utterly change my Christian life. In ways that I, then, could never have imagined.

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

Elise Harris - CNA - World Issues el Fri, May 22nd 2015

In an international forum on economic growth and environmental sustainability, Catholic leaders and experts in the field argued that rather than being opposed, the two go hand-in-hand, and can lead to greater prosperity all-around. “Protecting the environment need not compromise legitimate economic progress,” Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington said May 20.



Pope Francis - Activities el Wed, Feb 18th 2015

Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart.

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Eponymous Flower - Activities el Wed, Jul 16th 2014

The International Catholic Film Festival. The aim of the festival is to give space and visibili The aim of the festival is to give space and visibility to  producers and directors of feature films, documentaries, docu-fiction, television series and short films, to promote  the "positive models and universal moral values”  which are therefore consistent with Christianity. 

Is the Catholic Faith fading? Not really.

Is the Catholic Faith fading? Not really.

Filip Mazurczak - First Things - Articles el Mon, Jun 23rd 2014

In absolute terms, the number of Spanish Catholics attending Mass weekly grew by an astonishing further 23 percent between 2012 and 2013, according to CIS. Meanwhile, between 2007 and 2013 the number of Spaniards contributing part of their taxes to the Church rose from eight to nine million.

Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Ruth Sherlock, Beirut and Magdy Samaan - BBC - Missions el Tue, Apr 8th 2014

A Dutch priest who had refused to leave the besieged Syrian city of Homs in solidarity with its residents, was on Monday beaten and then shot dead in his monastery by a masked gunman. During more than three years of war, Jesuit Father Francis Van der Lugt, 75, had insisted on remaining in Homs, risking starvation and near constant shellfire, until every last civilian could be evacuated from the district.

Viewpoint: Advancing the Roles of Women in the Church

Viewpoint: Advancing the Roles of Women in the Church

by M. Francis Mannion - Other Voices in Church - Articles el Wed, Apr 2nd 2014

Some women already hold prominent positions in the offices of the Holy See. While there are presently canonical impediments (which could be changed, since they are man-made), the possibility of appointing women as prefects (heads) of some Roman congregations (departments) might be further explored.

Bishop hopes to create new home for Catholics in Arabia

Bishop hopes to create new home for Catholics in Arabia

Adelaide Mena - CNA/EWTN News - Activities el Mon, Mar 24th 2014

Catholics in the Arabian peninsula look forward to building a new cathedral in Bahrain, creating a permanent home for the Church and a place to help support Catholics coming to the region. “Our mission is to form a better society, to witness with our love that God loves all,” said Bishop Camillo Ballin, Vicar Apostolic of Northern Arabia.