tagged articles with: conversion

Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

K. Albert Little - The Cordial Catholic - Ecumenism el Thu, Nov 12th 2015

When I decided, as an Evangelical Protestant, to become a Catholic it was for a myriad of reasons. The appeal of the ancient tradition, the beauty of the Liturgy, and the succinct, coherent theology are only a few of the compelling aspects that drew me in. There are many more. But what I did not realize, as I began my first tentative steps to cross the Tiber, was how becoming a Catholic would utterly change my Christian life. In ways that I, then, could never have imagined.

Encounter, Illumination, and Conversion: On the Road to Damascus

Encounter, Illumination, and Conversion: On the Road to Damascus

Carolyn Pirtle - Notre Dame Center - Articles el Fri, Jan 25th 2013

 In celebrating the lives of her saints, rarely does the Church bestow more than one feast day on the same person. Even more rarely does she celebrate specific events in the lives of those saints other than the day of their birth into eternal life (the die natale). Therefore, today's celebration – the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle – is one that deserves our contemplation.