tagged articles with: catholic

A pluralist Church must cast off defunct Eurocentrism

A pluralist Church must cast off defunct Eurocentrism

Fr. Mick Kelly, SJ - UCA - Articles el Wed, Dec 12th 2012

Globalization's consequences: A pluralist Church must cast off defunct Eurocentrism. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination, with more than a billion members worldwide. Its Latin Rite (there are several others) is the only organized branch of Christianity to expand substantially beyond Europe. 

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

Reporters - Activities el Wed, Dec 12th 2012

 Pope Benedict XVI has sent today his first tweets. We think it is an important day in history, when for the first time a Pope enters in this world-media network where millions of young people move and relate. "Dear friends,..." he tweets. 

Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

Estefania Aguirre - CNA - Ecumenism el Mon, Dec 10th 2012

During a recent book launch in Rome, a noted theologian said that China will be home to the majority of the world's Christians within the next two decades.  “Interfaith dialogue is something that China, which will have the world's largest Christian population in 20 years, lives with every day,” said Harvey Cox during the presentation at the Gregorian University.

CAFOD: Fifty years with the world's poorest

CAFOD: Fifty years with the world's poorest

Chris Bain - L'Osservatore Romano - Activities el Wed, Nov 21st 2012

 In October 1962, in Rome, CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, was established by the Bishops of England and Wales. The Bishops gave CAFOD a mandate to work for justice and human development as a tangible expression of the solidarity and compassion of the Catholic community with our brothers and sisters in some of the world’s poorest communities. 

Archbishop Longley tells synod: ecumenism makes us better evangelisers

Archbishop Longley tells synod: ecumenism makes us better evangelisers

Catholic Herald Reporters - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 23rd 2012

The Catholic Church’s commitment to dialogue and a growing common witness with others churches and ecclesial communities must also serve the new evangelization. Authentic dialogue promotes the conversion of heart that opens us to a relationship with others where the message of the Gospel can be more clearly expressed and more fruitfully received.

A cross to bear

A cross to bear

Laura Donnelly - The Telegraph - Activities el Fri, Sep 7th 2012

This week, four Christians will argue in court that they face discrimination in Britain because of their faith. Discriminated: A woman who was asked to remove her cross while working as a nurse is taking her case to the European Court of Human Rights to argue that she has suffered discrimination as a result of her faith. 

What hope for the faith school?

What hope for the faith school?

Peter Stanford - The Telegraph - Church Issues el Wed, Aug 1st 2012

Thirty years ago, its 400 pupils were all Catholics, many of them first or second-generation Irish. Now all but 10 per cent are Muslims, yet their parents are apparently happy for them to sit through lessons taught by a largely Christian staff and taken from a Catholic syllabus. “What can I say?” exclaims 72-year-old Fr Kelly. “It’s their choice. We make no imposition on them to change their religion.”