tagged articles with: evangelization

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

Rome Reports - Church News el Sun, Oct 30th 2011

 Promoting the New Evangelization is becoming a priority for the Catholic Church. The pope is calling on everyone to revitalize the message of the Gospel, and that of course, includes women. "We believe that in this case specifically, women can contribute so much in matters of listening, creativity and beauty,” says Marta Rodríguez, director of the Institute of Advanced Studies on Women in Rome.

From ‘witness’ to ‘proclamation’.

From ‘witness’ to ‘proclamation’.

Stephen Wang - Church Issues el Thu, Jan 27th 2011

Many people aren’t convinced that evangelisation is ‘the primary service which the Church can render to every individual and to all humanity’ (Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul). But at the Sion Community, they believe in the importance of moving from ‘witness’ to ‘proclamation’.