tagged articles with: evangelisation

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

Reporters - Activities el Wed, Dec 12th 2012

 Pope Benedict XVI has sent today his first tweets. We think it is an important day in history, when for the first time a Pope enters in this world-media network where millions of young people move and relate. "Dear friends,..." he tweets. 

Archbishop Longley tells synod: ecumenism makes us better evangelisers

Archbishop Longley tells synod: ecumenism makes us better evangelisers

Catholic Herald Reporters - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 23rd 2012

The Catholic Church’s commitment to dialogue and a growing common witness with others churches and ecclesial communities must also serve the new evangelization. Authentic dialogue promotes the conversion of heart that opens us to a relationship with others where the message of the Gospel can be more clearly expressed and more fruitfully received.