tagged articles with: catholic

“Ireland Stand Up”

“Ireland Stand Up”

Michael Kelly - The Catholic World Report - Reporters el Mon, Jan 23rd 2012

  96,000 postcards have been sent to Ireland’s prime minister protesting the closing of country’s Embassy to the Holy See.  The Irish Government is coming under increased pressure to reverse a controversial decision to close the country’s Embassy to the Holy See.-

We are living through a time of great transition for the Church

We are living through a time of great transition for the Church

Bishop Michael Campbell OSA - Church Issues el Mon, Jan 2nd 2012

New Year Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of Lancaster. "At the beginning of this New Year I would ask you to join me in grappling with the two-fold task of planning how our diocese’s parishes and schools adapt to these new circumstances and secondly to make ourselves ready to launch into the challenge of the New Evangelisation."

Thousands welcome pope on visit to Benin

Thousands welcome pope on visit to Benin

Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere | AFP News - Church News el Sat, Nov 19th 2011

 He prayed for Mary to "fulfill the noblest aspirations of African youths, fulfill the hearts that hunger for justice, peace and reconciliation, fulfill the hopes of child victims of hunger and war." His trip is likely to bring into focus the enormous potential of many nations on a continent with the world's fastest growing number of Catholics, but also its numerous struggles.

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

Rome Reports - Church News el Sun, Oct 30th 2011

 Promoting the New Evangelization is becoming a priority for the Catholic Church. The pope is calling on everyone to revitalize the message of the Gospel, and that of course, includes women. "We believe that in this case specifically, women can contribute so much in matters of listening, creativity and beauty,” says Marta Rodríguez, director of the Institute of Advanced Studies on Women in Rome.

Benedict XVI announces Year of Faith

Benedict XVI announces Year of Faith

Cindy Weeden - Catholic Herald - Church News el Fri, Oct 21st 2011

 Pope Benedict XVI has announced a “Year of Faith” to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. Celebrating Mass on Sunday with participants in a Vatican conference on new evangelisation, the Pope said the Year of Faith would give “renewed energy to the mission of the whole Church to lead men and women out of the desert they often are in and toward the place of life: friendship with Christ who gives us fullness of life”.

New archbishop ‘humbled’ and  'overwhelmed' by appointment

New archbishop ‘humbled’ and 'overwhelmed' by appointment

John Francis Lagman - UCA News - Church News el Thu, Oct 20th 2011

Archbishop-elect Luis Antonio Tagle has revealed he was “overwhelmed” and “humbled” after being appointed to head the Manila archdiocese.I can’t understand what I’m feeling right now; it’s like I don’t have emotion. I feel dizzy, I have nothing in mind. I don’t know what is going on with me,” the prelate told Church-run Radio Veritas in an interview last weekend.

Vatican to issue document on global financial reform

Vatican to issue document on global financial reform

John Thavis - Catholic News Service - Reporters el Thu, Oct 20th 2011

 The Vatican has prepared a document on reform of the global financial system and the potential role of a public regulatory authority. The document, prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, was to be released Oct. 24 in four languages, and presented the same day at a Vatican news conference by Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the council.

Catholics’ religious media tastes favor print publications

Catholics’ religious media tastes favor print publications

Kevin J. Jones - Ewtn-News - Church Issues el Mon, Oct 17th 2011

 Catholics tend to prefer traditional print and television media for their religious news and commentary. They particularly favor their local diocese’s publication, according to a new survey from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. One in five respondents said they watched a religious or spiritual program on television in the last three months.

Thousands welcome Vatican envoy to Vietnam

Thousands welcome Vatican envoy to Vietnam

ucanews - Church News el Mon, Oct 10th 2011

 The visiting non-resident pontifical representative for Vietnam has received a rapturous welcome in the south as he continues his working tour of the country “Catholics should have a clear conscience and live a life of love as a way to sow the seeds of the Good News in this country,” Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli told some 20,000 people who attended a special Mass at the Pilgrimage Center of Our Lady at Tan Hiep in Kien Giang province on Monday.

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

Christopher Lamb - The Tablet - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Whether divorced and remarried Catholics can receive Communion is now firmly back in the spotlight after the 400 clerics backing the Austrian Priests’ Initiative said in their “Appeal to Disobedience” that they would not refuse Communion to remarried divorcees. Christian Wulff, a divorced and remarried Catholic, said he hoped the Church would soften its position on admitting people in his position to the sacraments.

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Patrick J. Reilly - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Colleges that have deliberately watered down their Catholic identity, in part to help themselves compete for government aid, now face church pressure to strengthen their religious identity. The choice for Catholic educators is increasingly clear: defend religious liberty and stand up for a strong Catholic identity—or give up the pretense.

When are Catholic schools no longer Catholic?

When are Catholic schools no longer Catholic?

Sam Adams - The Tablet - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Does the proportion of Catholic children in Catholic schools actually matter? According to the latest census data from the Catholic Education Service of England and Wales (CES), Catholic schools in some dioceses, such as Plymouth, are more likely than not to have a majority of non-Catholic pupils.

Vietnamese Catholic dictionary a first

Vietnamese Catholic dictionary a first

UCN - Church News el Wed, Sep 21st 2011

 Church people expect the first Vietnamese Catholic dictionary, launched with great fanfare yesterday, will make a major contribution in developing theology in Vietnam.  “Today I would like to introduce you to the first Catholic Dictionary in Vietnamese,” Bishop Paul Bui Van Doc of My Tho, head of the bishops’ Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, told about 200 Catholics at the launch ceremony yesterday at the Archbishop’s Residence in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Holy See Responds to the Cloyne Report.

The Holy See Responds to the Cloyne Report.

Vatican Information Service - Church Issues el Tue, Sep 6th 2011

Recognising the seriousness of the crimes detailed in the report, which should never have happened within the Church of Jesus Christ, and wishing to respond to the Irish Government's request, the Holy See, after carefully examining the Cloyne Report and considering the many issues raised, has sought to respond comprehensively.