tagged articles with: catholic

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

Andrea Tornielli - Vatican Insider - Articles el Wed, Dec 25th 2013

 In this exclusive interview, Pope Francis speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and the upcoming visit to the Holy Land.

Francis: “The Church is a big and varied orchestra”

Francis: “The Church is a big and varied orchestra”

Domenico Agasso - Vatican Insider - Activities el Thu, Oct 10th 2013

At today’s General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, Francis said: “Never gossip about one another, never argue. Uniformity kills life” Finally,the Pope said: “the Church is Catholic because it is the “House of Harmony”, where unity and diversity merge together to become a strength.” The Pope used the image of a symphony to illustrate the meaning of harmony. In a symphony, different instruments are played simultaneously; each musician has their own unique timber and the notes of their particular instrument are composed for one common piece of music.

'Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archbishop of Canterbury

'Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archbishop of Canterbury

John Bingham - The Telegraph - Ecumenism el Thu, Oct 10th 2013

The Archbishop of Canterbury is encouraging Anglicans to adopt the practice of going to confession, a tradition more commonly associated with the Roman Catholic Church. His comments came as he addressed the heads of other churches – including the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England Wales, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols – about divisions between Christians.

The values of Catholic education

The values of Catholic education

Thnking Faith - Nicholas King SJ - Church Issues el Wed, Oct 9th 2013

The task of Catholic educators today ... is to offer to learners the possibility of an encounter with Jesus Christ.’ At the beginning of a new academic year, Nicholas King SJ suggests how Catholic teachers can and do respond to the challenges that are contained in this task. How can educators create a space in which today’s young people can find the Jesus they are longing to meet?

Vatican cardinal criticises the way LCWR reform was handled

Vatican cardinal criticises the way LCWR reform was handled

Cindy Wooden - The Catholic Herald - Religious el Thu, May 9th 2013

The head of the Vatican’s department for religious life has said that dialogue has been missing from the Vatican-ordered reform of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Brazilian Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, said that should change in future.

Middle Eastern intolerance means Filipinos have to be careful about their faith

Middle Eastern intolerance means Filipinos have to be careful about their faith

UCA News - Activities el Wed, Apr 10th 2013

An estimated 12 million Filipinos are working abroad in over 200 countries. Celeste Macaldo says she’s a “devout” Catholic who attended Mass every week until she landed a job as a caregiver in Lebanon five years ago. “For five years, I remember going to church to attend Mass only five times, and only on Christmas Eve,” she told ucanews.com.

His predecessors and St Francis of Assisi show Pope Francis the way to China

His predecessors and St Francis of Assisi show Pope Francis the way to China

Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM - Church Issues el Mon, Mar 25th 2013

No doubt, also in dealing with this delicate matter the new pope will be inspired by the spirit of his patron Saint Francis who, in the history of the Church was a pioneer of dialogue. Communism has been the staunch opponent of the Church in China. Pope Francis will have to deal with this matter. He will find inspiration in the way his predecessors approached China.

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Contracorriente Productions - Video el Tue, Feb 26th 2013

Summer 1936 at the start of the Spanish Civil War. The film tells us about the martyrdom of 51 members of the Claretian Community of Barbastro (Huesca, Spain). Excellent portrait of the human and religious dimension of each person involved in such a real tragedy of our history. The sacrifies of young Claretians proclaim that "Love overcomes death." 

The Catholic church's pope-driven peace won't last for long

The Catholic church's pope-driven peace won't last for long

Andrew Brown - UCA - Activities el Sat, Feb 23rd 2013

When Pope Benedict's successor is chosen, the civil war between conservatives and liberals will resume with ferocity. Pope Benedict's resignation has brought about a brief truce in the civil war that rages through the Catholic church worldwide, but hostilities will resume as soon as his successor is chosen.

Prudence, not prurience

Prudence, not prurience

The Tablet - Activities el Sat, Feb 2nd 2013

The Catholic school system in the United Kingdom is one of the success stories of which the various Catholic communities of these islands can feel rightly proud. Usually such schools are in demand, sometimes oversubscribed; frequently their success outshines that of other schools in the neighbourhood.

Jesus, His Church and “the uns”

Jesus, His Church and “the uns”

Cardinal Dolan - Articles el Wed, Jan 23rd 2013

 I praised God for the Church’s lookout for the uns — the un-documented, un-employed, un-housed, un-fed, un-healthy, un-born, un-wanted, misunderstood, un-justly treated — and prayed that our beloved country might work for a culture where that dreaded prefix — un — might be no longer.

Prince’s succession change concerns ‘unfounded’

Prince’s succession change concerns ‘unfounded’

Sam Adams - The Tablet - Church Issues el Fri, Jan 11th 2013

The prince is believed to be concerned that canon law requires the children of such a marriage to be brought up as Catholics and was said to be sceptical when told that any constitutional difficulties this creates could be resolved by negotiations with the Holy See, according to the Daily Mail.

New Year's resolutions?

New Year's resolutions?

Fr Stephen Wang - Activities el Sat, Jan 5th 2013

I spent the last three days of the year helping on a retreat for young people in south London. On New Year's Eve we had a discussion session, and I put this question to them: If you knew the world was going to end in exactly one hour, what would you do with the time? 

Madrid in the age of austerity - Wise Men, flamenco dolls and old values

Madrid in the age of austerity - Wise Men, flamenco dolls and old values

Jimmy Burns - The Tablet - Articles el Wed, Dec 26th 2012

 With Spain facing its toughest economic crisis for decades, this Christmas will be difficult for many families. But the festive season has inspired a certain wistfulness for simpler times and traditions, including the Catholic family of old. And with nearly two million seeking help from the Church, Catholic organisations are what stand between many people and destitution.

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

Pope Benedict XVI - Activities el Sat, Dec 22nd 2012

 "Go and make disciples of all nations!" is the title of the Holy Father's Message for the twenty-eighth World Youth Day 2013, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2013. Some excerpts from the English language version of the text are given here.