tagged articles with: schools

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Gwen Griffith-Dickson - The Tablet - Church Issues el Thu, Dec 31st 2015

The Commission’s vision report: a nation with a deeply-rooted Christian history, but which has accommodated others at an ever-accelerating pace. It argues that all should be treated with equal respect and concern, knowing that their culture, religion and beliefs are embraced and valued as contributing to the nation’s common life.

Goodbye Christianity, hello multicultural wasteland...

Goodbye Christianity, hello multicultural wasteland...

Peter Hitchens -THE MAIL ON SUNDAY - Articles el Tue, Dec 15th 2015

Would you believe they want to make state schools even less Christian than they already are – accusing our many excellent Church schools of being ‘socially divisive’ and of promoting ‘segregation’ – and to revise the Coronation and services of remembrance to make them more inclusive?

Plans for first mixed Catholic and Protestant school in Northern Ireland approved

Plans for first mixed Catholic and Protestant school in Northern Ireland approved

Michael Mchugh - The Independent - Ecumenism el Sun, May 5th 2013

Northern Ireland's first shared education campus for Catholic and Protestant schoolchildren has been granted planning approval. Up to six schools with 3,700 pupils are expected to be based at a former Army barracks in Omagh, Co Tyrone, Stormont's power-sharing government revealed today. The relic of the region's 30-year conflict is to be transformed into a 126-acre development to educate the next generation together.

What hope for the faith school?

What hope for the faith school?

Peter Stanford - The Telegraph - Church Issues el Wed, Aug 1st 2012

Thirty years ago, its 400 pupils were all Catholics, many of them first or second-generation Irish. Now all but 10 per cent are Muslims, yet their parents are apparently happy for them to sit through lessons taught by a largely Christian staff and taken from a Catholic syllabus. “What can I say?” exclaims 72-year-old Fr Kelly. “It’s their choice. We make no imposition on them to change their religion.”

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

Reporters - Church News el Fri, Jun 8th 2012

For the London 2012 Olympic Games, Christian Churches in the UK have also picked up the theme of 100 days of peace around this major sporting event. It will be launched at an all night prayer vigil in London’s central Trafalgar Square on Friday June 8th by Church leaders including Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster and the Anglican Bishop of London Richard Chartres.

Assurances of Faith: How Catholic was Shakespeare? How Catholic are his Plays?

Assurances of Faith: How Catholic was Shakespeare? How Catholic are his Plays?

Paul J. Voss - Articles el Tue, Apr 24th 2012

The Catholic imagination — the imagination that allowed Shakespeare to sprinkle his plays with references to Catholic religious beliefs and practices in meaningful ways — also helped to create the fictive worlds of Denmark, Rome, Verona, Venice, and Illyria. The imagination that made him Catholic also helped make him the greatest writer in the English-speaking world.

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Patrick J. Reilly - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Colleges that have deliberately watered down their Catholic identity, in part to help themselves compete for government aid, now face church pressure to strengthen their religious identity. The choice for Catholic educators is increasingly clear: defend religious liberty and stand up for a strong Catholic identity—or give up the pretense.