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Apology to Cardiff priests over stag party mix-up at pub

BBC - News - Tue, Aug 1st 2017

Apology to Cardiff priests over stag party mix-up at pub

Pub bosses have apologised after asking a group of priests to leave their Cardiff venue, mistaking them for a stag party in fancy dress.

The seven Roman Catholic priests had gone to The City Arms to toast Father Peter McClaren being ordained when they were initially asked to move on.

But assistant manager Matt Morgan said they received a free round of drinks when the situation was explained.

"They were all dressed in their black and white clothes," he said.

"The staff thought they were a stag. We do have quite a few issues on the weekends with parties wearing fancy dress so it is our policy to turn them away."

Priests in pubImage copyright@J_JLLOYD / TWITTER
Image captionThe priests enjoyed a few pints in the pub in the end

He said the priests were "all great sports and saw the funny side of the situation", adding: "Our Rev James ale is one of our most popular beers so it was great to have a real-life Reverend James and his fellow priests enjoying a pint or two."

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Cardiff added: "We'd like to thank The City Arms for being good sports through all of this and their kind gesture to our seminarians."

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