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Blessed are the peacemakers

Josephine McKenna & Inna Lazareva- The Telegrpah - Mon, Jun 9th 2014


Pope Francis calls for Israelis and Palestinians to 'break spiral of violence'

Pope Francis calls for 'new journey towards peace' in unprecedented prayer meeting at the Vatican between Israeli and Palestinian presidents, Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas kisses Israeli President Shimon Peres next to Pope Francis

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas kisses Israeli President Shimon Peres next to Pope Francis

Pope Francis urged the Israeli and Palestinian presidents to "break the spiral of hatred and violence" in an unprecedented prayer meeting at the Vatican last night, which he hoped would mark "a new journey" towards peace in the Middle East.

Shimon Peres, the Israeli president and Mahmoud Abbas, his Palestinian counterpart, embraced warmly and shared a joke before the Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers in the Vatican gardens, where the leaders planted an olive tree.


Pope Francis welcomes Israeli President Shimon Peres (AFP/GETTY)

The Pope said too many children had been killed by war and said the two leaders "must respond" to their people's "yearning for the dawn of peace" in the Middle East. He called on them to find "the strength to persevere undaunted in dialogue", following the breakdown of talks in April.

"It is my hope that this meeting will mark the beginning of a new journey where we seek things that unite, so as to overcome the things that divide," the Pope said in a short address to the gathering.

"Peacemaking calls for courage, much more so than warfare. It calls for the courage to say yes to encounter and no to conflict, yes to dialogue and no to violence."

The ceremony ended with the three leaders' individual invocations for peace. It was the first time the two presidents had met publicly in more than a year but the ceremony also marked the first time that Jewish, Christian and Islamic prayers were said together in such a way at the Vatican.

Mr Peres described the Pope as a "bridge builder" who had touched peoples' hearts regardless of their faith or nation during his visit to the Holy Land in May.

He said Israelis and Palestinians were both "aching for peace". "Peace does not come easy," Mr Peres said. "We are yet achieve this. We must pursue it and bring it closer."

Mr Abbas thanked the Pope "from the bottom of my heart" for proposing the ceremony and called for a "comprehensive and just peace" with Israel.

"O Lord, bring comprehensive and just peace to our country and region so that our people and the peoples of the Middle East and the whole world would enjoy the fruit of peace, stability and coexistence," he said.

He described the Pope's May visit as "a sincere expression of your belief in peace and a truthful attempt to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israelis".

Vatican officials insisted the Pope had no political agenda in inviting the two leaders to pray at his home other than to rekindle a desire for peace. But the meeting could have greater symbolic significance, given that the Pope was able to bring them together at all so soon after peace talks failed and at a time that Israel is trying to isolate Mr Abbas.

Pope Francis with Shimon Peres, Patriarch Bartholomaios I and Mahmoud Abbas (GETTY)

Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, a Church official in charge of Catholic sites in the Holy Land and a key organiser of the encounter, cautioned: "No one is presumptuous enough to think peace will break out on Monday."

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, did not attend the ceremony and Mr Peres, now 90, is due to leave office when his term expires next month.

Mr Netanyahu has urged the world to shun Mr Abbas's new unity government, which took office last week, because it is backed by the Islamic militant group Hamas.

His pleas have been ignored by the West, with both the US and the European Union saying they will give the unity government a chance.

Mr Netanyahu made no specific comments about the ceremony but in remarks on Sunday at a paramilitary police base in Jerusalem, he suggested that prayer was no substitute for security.

"For thousands of years, the people of Israel have been praying for peace daily. But until peace comes, we will continue to strengthen you so that you can continue to defend the State of Israel. Ultimately, that is what will guarantee our future and will also bring peace," he said.

The latest round of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations broke down in late April, with both sides blaming each other for the collapse of the talks.

Following the reconciliation between Mr Abbas's Fatah and Hamas, Israel announced plans for 3,200 new housing units in West Bank settlements as a retaliatory measure

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