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Catholic Directory of India

Alberto Rossa, cmf - Wed, Mar 6th 2013

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 Cardinal Filoni presenting the Catholic Directory of India.

For years, we collaborate in our Publishing Ministry with our sister publisher - Claretian Publication in India. And our good friend, Fr. Benny, has just released an immense work: The Catholic Directory of India. The work was assigned to the Claretian Publications by the Catholic Bishop Conference of India [CBCI] for the second time. 


     Cardinals with the copies of the CDI

The releasing of The Catholic Directory of India was held in New Delhi and was attended by cardinals and bishops. Benny sends us the stills from the event:


Fr. James K, Provincial Superior of the Claretians of Bangalore, India [left] and Fr. Benny, Director, Claretian Publications, Bangalore [Right], on the occasion of the release of the Catholic Directory of India

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