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Commentary for the 4th Sunday of Lent.

Michael Chima, cmf - Sat, Apr 2nd 2011

In the Gospel of today, we are presented with the narration of a miracle of man born blind. Looking at the characters of this narration, it is easy to identify them with the different attitudes we have in our Christian community.

Jesus is the principal actor we have here in the gospel, he is the light capable of illuminating our darkness and our blindness. Looking at the questions of the disciples: “who sinned, the blind man or his parents, for him to have been born blind?” Jesus’ response at this existential question is based on the perspective of the gift of God, also based on the sense of feeling with the needy and also to manifest the work of God through him, that is the possibility to receive sight from the blindness of sin and to discover light.

Looking at the Pharisees, they represent in the narration blindness, they lack the possibility of seeing, because they are not open to recognizing the need of the light. The disciples, on the other hand, do not understand, but are asking and searching, and they will be privileged to the action of God through the work of Jesus. With the attitude of the parents of the blind man, we can see an attitude of cowardice, fear; they found it difficult to testify publicly to the radical change that took place in their son. The blind man not only receives his sight, but will also participate in the mission of Jesus; he is cured of his physical and spiritual blindness. He ended acknowledging Jesus as Lord, although he was insulted, but he discovered the Light.

Lord, we bless you for the light of our baptism, let this light make us see your presence in the world, so that we will not judge people based on their appearances but based on the goodness of the their works.

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