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Commentary to the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

Fr. Fernando Armellini - Sat, Sep 28th 2019

To enjoy life is to renounce the superfluous


There was a time when God seemed an ally of the rich. Well-being, luck, abundance of goods were considered signs of his blessing.

The first time the Hebrew word kesef (which means silver or more commonly, money) appears in the Bible, it is referred to Abraham. He “was very rich in cattle, silver and gold” (Gen 13:2). Isaac “sowed crops and in that year harvested a hundredfold” (Gen 26:12-13). Jacob owned countless “oxen, asses, flocks, men-servants and maidservants” (Gen 32:5). The Psalmist, too, does not know better than to promise to the just one, saying: “Abundance and wealth will be in your home” (Ps 112:3).

Poverty was a disgrace. It was believed to be the result of laziness, idleness, and debauchery. “A little sleep, a little drowsiness, a little folding of the arms to rest, poverty will come” (Pro 24:33-34).

A change of perspective comes with the prophets. One begins to understand that the assets accumulated by the rich are not always the result of their honest work and the blessing of God, but often of cheating, violations of the rights of the most vulnerable.

Even the wise men of Israel denounce the rich; “But the rich man who has had his fill cannot sleep” (Eccl 5:11). “Gold has ruined many” (Sir 8:2).

Jesus considers both greeds of goods of this world and honestly earned wealth as almost insurmountable obstacles to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The deceitfulness of wealth chokes the seed of the Word (Mt 13:22); it tends to gradually conquer the whole human heart and leave no space for God nor for the neighbor.

Blessed is he who makes himself poor, who is no longer anxious about what he will eat or drink, who does not worry about clothes and does not get restless for tomorrow (Mt 6:25-34). Blessed is he who shares all that he has with the brothers/sisters.

To internalize the message, we repeat:
“Christ, though he was rich, became poor to make us rich.”

-------------First Reading | Second Reading | Gospel-------------


First Reading: Amos 6:1a,4-7

We saw last Sunday what was the economic and social situation in Israel in the time of Amos. There was well-being, peace, prosperity but also so much injustice.

The prophet raised his voice against the merchants who extorted and cheated the poor. Today’s reading proposes another passage of the same prophet. This time, he attacks the political leaders and aristocrats who live in luxurious palaces of “hewn stone” (Am 5:11) in the city of Samaria (v. 1).

The farmer Amos cannot stand the sight of these slackers lounging, feasting, organizing parties and solacing while the exploited laborers toil in their fields from dawn to dusk for little pay. Amos, the rugged shepherd, used to sleeping outside, feels repugnance for these revelries.

The revelers of Samaria behaved as Amos comments; “they have beds of ivory; they lie down on soft mattresses; their foods are tasty and delicious; they eat only meat of kids and calves that have not yet tasted grass, which have sucked only milk (v. 4). They play, dance and show themselves as songwriters; they seem to compete with David (v. 5). They drink the best wines and anoint themselves with perfumes of high quality and do not care about the ruin that is going to affect the whole nation.”

The reading ends with a terrible threat, still a few years and the enemies, the Assyrians, will come. They will burn down the palaces and destroy the city. The indolent leaders will be wrestled from their soft sofas and dragged as slaves to Nineveh. Amos warns—the wanton revelry shall be done away with (v. 7). Terrible words against the rich and the powerful! Words never heard before in Israel.

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-1

The one who writes to Timothy, bishop of Ephesus, is worried because there are “false teachers” in the Christian communities who spread strange doctrines that cause the Christians to stray. In the last part of the letter, the vices of these persons are described: they are blinded by pride; they do not understand anything; what is worse is that they consider religion as a source of financial gain. He declares: “The love of money is the root of every evil” (1 Tim 6:3-10).

At this point of the letter, the passage reported in today’s first reading starts. The Apostle recommends to Timothy to stay away from these evils and to cultivate justice, piety, faith, charity, patience and good disposition towards all (v. 11).

This list of virtues is proposed to each Christian so that he may reflect on his spiritual situation. Above all whoever leads a community must meditate on these virtues. The faithful, in fact, look at him as a model to imitate.

In the last part of the reading (vv. 12-16), the author returns to the problem that preoccupies him a lot: the false doctrines that can infiltrate the Christian community. For this reason, he calls upon Timothy to conserve the Gospel announced to him irreproachable and without blotch.

Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

Dear poor people, in this world our life is hard and, at times, it seems really like hell: you live in shacks, suffer hunger, cover yourselves with rags and you are full of wounds. The rich instead live in splendid palaces squander money in feasts, luxurious villas, and dress themselves in designer clothes. Do not blame yourselves. In the other world, the conditions will be reversed: you will enjoy while they will suffer. It is a question of having a bit of patience and God will change their pleasures into atrocious torments.

Understood so, the parable of the rich Dives and poor Lazarus becomes “opium of the people”. It serves to placate the poor, nourishing in them the dream of a better future. It will be good also for the rich who, without much anguish for the hell of afterlife, begin to enjoy their paradise in the here and now.

The greatest inequalities were practically inconceivable in ancient Israel where it was not possible to enrich oneself at the expense of the others. At the coming of the jubilee year, in fact, all must be returned to the legitimate owners (Lev 25). But the laws can always be circumvented. Those who are not afraid of the punishment of God had already begun, at the time of the prophets, to add house to house and join field to field (Is 5:8). The small family properties got gradually absorbed by big landowners and the lands ended up in the hands of a very restricted group of persons.

In the time of Jesus, the reversal of this situation was hoped for. The poor people used to say; “One day the powerful will be delivered into the hands of the just ones; they will cut their throats and will kill them without mercy. Those who are counted worthless will dominate over the powerful and the poor will reign over the rich.”

The parable we read in today’s Gospel is born in this context. To understand it we start by identifying the personages.

One who is not named is God who, in the other world, will put in order that which did not go well in this world. His thoughts and his decisions are placed in the mouth of Abraham who in turn, takes the role of protagonist.

Then comes the rich man who also recites an important part. The dialogue with Abraham takes two-thirds of the story (vv. 24-31).

Finally, comes Lazarus, who always remains in the shadow. He does not say even a word; he says absolutely nothing, does not move a finger nor makes a move. He is always seated: on earth by the door of the rich, in heaven at the bosom of Abraham and during the trip is carried by angels.

If we would like to give a title to the parable, it would be wrong to call it: the parable of the poor Lazarus (who is not the protagonist), or the parable of the evil rich man. The main message of the story is about the judgment of God on the distribution of wealth in the world.

In no other parable did Jesus assign names to personages. But here, the poor has a name: Lazarus. In this world, who has a name? To whom are the first pages of the newspapers dedicated to? To the rich, to those who have success! For Jesus, the contrary is true. For him, the rich is anyone while the poor has a very expressive name; he is called Lazarus, which means the Lord helps.

After having listed the personages let us focus on each one, starting from the rich man. Even though condemned, to say the truth, he does not know the reason why. He has not done anything evil: it does not say that he robbed, didn’t pay taxes, ill-treated his servants or blasphemed. He was dissolute or was not practicing his belief.

Perhaps he is insensible to the needs of the others, not helping the poor and so he committed a grave sin of omission. But this does not seem true: Lazarus was at his door and did not go somewhere else. It means that he was getting a few crumbs. The condition in which he was left was inhuman. He had to content himself with the crumbs with which the diners cleaned the fingers (in those times they were not using utensils) and the details about the dogs confer an unmatched realism to the scene.

And the rich man? He lived his life reveling, dressing in the latest fashion, although, always spending of his own. So—according to the current thinking and judging—he had an impeccable moral behavior.

Moreover, when Abraham denies him the drop of water, he does not accuse him of any fault. He simply reminds him that he was rich and enjoyed on earth while Lazarus suffered. Then in heaven things are reversed. But it is not explained why. So it is better not to mention the “evil rich man.”

There is a tendency to demonize the rich, to regard them always filled with iniquity and to exalt the poor, putting them up as models of every virtue. Lazarus would be the archetype, the ideal.

But were we so confident that Lazarus was perhaps good? What did he do to deserve heaven? Nothing. We noticed him: throughout his life did not lift a finger. One does not say that he was humble and educated, who went to pray in Synagogues, who had been a laborious and exemplary family man and that he had become poor because he was struck by misfortune. Who assures us that he was not a slacker, one who had squandered all his possessions? And his wounds, could they not be the result of diseases contracted with a dissolute life? Of him, we only know that on earth he was poor and that his situation was then changed. But it is not explained, why.

What to say then of the attitude of Abraham?

None of us—I think—take this character as sympathetic. In Israel, it was believed that he, being the father of the people and the friend of God (Dn 3:35), could, by his intercession, remove his children even from hell. Here he denies a drop of water to a poor man. Can he be at some point heartless? The rich manifests better feelings: though in torments, he cares about his brothers.

Putting all these elements together we can already draw an initial conclusion: the parable is not giving an opinion on the moral behavior of the rich and the poor. It does not mean that whoever behaves well goes to heaven and who does evil goes to hell, because—it is clear—the rich did not commit sins and Lazarus didn’t do good works.

So what? Simple; it means that the parable has another message. Let us delve deeper.

In antiquity, stories similar to ours circulated, where the rich always ended badly. A story was told about a rich man who had exploited the poor, and after his death, he was banished to the place of punishment. He was placed under a door and a nail, on which the door revolved, was stuck in his eye so every time someone entered or left, he suffered the torments of hell.

The preachers of the time of Jesus often used these colorful images. They willingly spoke of cruel punishments because they were convinced that these threats were needed to make the people come to their senses.

Even Jesus used these images, including those terrible ones: he spoke of banquets, of courses of fresh water, but also of flames that torture, the gnashing of teeth and an impassable gulf that separates the righteous from the wicked. These are the classic images created by the fertile imagination of the Orientals to represent the afterlife. It would be naive to draw theological conclusions regarding hell, punishment, and eternal fire. It would be totally misleading to attribute to God the severe behavior, ruthlessness, almost as cruel as Abraham against a repentant sinner.

The “big abyss” is just a reminder for the disciple of the fundamental truth, that is: the destiny of man is played around in this unique, unrepeatable life.

We come to the message of the parable.

For many, it seems logical and natural to distinguish, between good rich people and evil rich ones. The conviction thus maintained is that inequalities can continue to exist in this world and that the super-rich can live next to the miserable, provided they do not steal and they give alms.

Jesus considers this way of thinking dangerous. And this is the conviction that he wants to demolish. In the parable he speaks of a rich man who was condemned not because he was bad, but simply because he was rich, that is, he locked himself in his world and did not accept the logic of the sharing of goods.

Jesus wants his disciples to understand that the existence in this world of two types of people—the rich and the poor—is against God’s plan. Goods are given to all and those who have more must share with those who have less or have none so that there is equality (cf. 2 Cor 8:13). So, before anyone can enjoy the superfluous, it is necessary that all must have met the most basic needs.

Commenting on this parable, St. Ambrose said: “When you give something to the poor, you don’t offer him what is yours, you give back what is his, because the earth and the goods of this world are of all people, not of the rich.”

The last part of the parable (vv. 27-31) shifts the focus on the five brothers of the rich who continue to live in this world. They run the risk of ruining themselves by misusing the assets. They represent the disciples of the Christian communities (number five indicates all the people of Israel) who are tempted to attach the heart to wealth.

How can they be diverted from the seduction it irresistibly exerts? The rich man has his own proposal. He repeats it insistently twice because he thinks it’s the only way of achieving the goal, to cause the conversion, to bring the five brothers to repentance. He pleads father Abraham to convey miraculously—through a vision or a dream—a message from beyond the grave.

Abraham’s response to this trust in the persuasive ability of miracles is firm and clear: the only force capable of detaching the heart of the rich from his goods is God’s word. “Moses and the prophets” was the formula with which, in Jesus’ time, showed all the Sacred Scripture. Only this Word can do the miracle to let the rich man in the realms of heaven. Yes, because it really calls for a miracle, a difficult miracle like letting a camel pass through the eye of a needle (Lk 18:25). Whoever does not let oneself be struck by the word of God is certainly resistant and insusceptible to any other argument.

There is a video by Fr. Fernando Armellini in English

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