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Commentary to the Gospel of 3rd Sunday of Easter

Fr. Gerald Ezekwere, cmf - Fri, May 6th 2011

When we reflect on the experience of the disciples – Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus in the light of our journey of life and Christian faith, we simply appreciate the state of their minds- that of an absolute confusion and despair as their hopes and dreams seemed to have been shattered and left them completely disoriented. This is a reality they were trying to confront, yet unresolved before the stranger, Jesus himself emerged. But why did he appear to them like a stranger?

In our journey of life and faith, the experience of resurrection and the encounter with the risen lord ought to have an impact on our daily events and experiences, above all, on our fellow human beings, irrespective o f sex, religion, culture and race.

This really depends on our response to the consciousness of resurrection as a personal and community experience and our openness to the Holy Spirit to integrate the grace of God with the gift of our free will from God in the journey of life and faith.

Jesus then took them into the historical and scriptural perspectives which they lacked; that are being fulfilled with him. Incidentally, they became some what renewed and transformed as the journey ensued until the final turning point—the breaking of bread when their eyes were opened and they recognised him.

 And they were healed. The darkness in their lives and little faith then gave way to the bright promise of resurrection; sorrow was turned into joy; and hopelessness to hopeful living and they were then empowered to continue the mission on earth in service to humanity till He comes again.

We really need to understand that Jesus finished his earthly mission in victory and assured us to take up our own mantle of victory in our journey of life because He is always our companion. However, we need to be highly connected to this abiding presence and companionship but not to allow the anxiety and the concerns of life to stifle the power of his love for us and other people on the path of life. 

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