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Fraternity between Israel's Jews and Arabs, despite everything

Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner | Israel - La Croix International - Tue, Jun 1st 2021

As relations between Jewish and Arab Israelis hang by a thread, some people are using social media to spread a message of peace.


Jamal Amara and Reuven Nehorai pose arm in arm. Jamal is dressed in jeans. He's an Israeli Arab who lives in Kafr Kanna, a small Arab town in Galilee. Reuven, an Orthodox Jew, is the one with the full beard in the white shirt.

Journalist Mohamed Magadli featured them on his Twitter account on May 13 as bombs and rockets rain down on Israel and Gaza.

"Meet Jamal Amara from Kfar Kanna in Galilee, who saved Reuven Nehorai, who was caught in a lynching attempt by a small handful of village youths. There is still hope," he writes.Within Israel itself, the violence of the clashes between young Arabs and groups of Jewish extremists is a painful surprise to its inhabitants.

Although the conflict is not as serious as the one between the Israeli army and Hamas in Gaza, Israeli Jews have grown accustomed to the reassuring rhetoric about the political and economic "integration" of their fellow Arab citizens.

Some ties have held

Today, they are in shock and wake up with the feeling of an abyss that has opened up under their feet, especially in the mixed cities of Haifa, Lod and Saint John of Acre.

While Israel's defense minister, Benny Gantz, announces "a massive reinforcement of forces on the ground", a handful of people who are accustomed to dialogue between communities start to react.In photos or comments, they want to show that certain links have been held together.

And they want to counterbalance the images of lynchings, burned cars or stone throwing."All over the North, more and more Jewish and Arab initiatives are being organized to restore peace," says Rubi Hammerschlag, a reporter for Kan Israel.

"At many intersections there will be joint demonstrations today, calling for calm," he says in a tweet.In Gush Halav, Jews and Arabs will distribute flowers. And at the Yuvalim junction, a joint demonstration will take place.They will march under the slogan, "We will show resilience and hope, because we have not yet lost hope.

"Mocking messages and a shower of congratulations

Israeli journalist Barak Ravid wishes "Happy Eid" to his Muslim compatriots.This brings a warm response from London-based researcher Mohammad Ali-Shabani.

"It is inspiring to see journalists use their platforms to send personal messages of peace amid the conflict they cover. Especially when the journalists themselves live in the conflict zone," he writes.

But it will take time for things to calm down Beneath these messages, each side accuses the other of giving more importance to killings and bombings than to constructive initiatives."

Of course, the Palestinian Israeli media will give them neither support nor coverage so that, God forbid, the riots might stop," replies an Israeli to Rubi Hammerschlag.

Others also question whether the other side's desire for fraternity is really genuine. Barak Ravid's wishes for Eid-El-Fitr earned him some mocking messages, but also a shower of congratulations. "Thank you for everything you do for our country. You are an important voice in all this chaos," a young Israeli Jew thanked him in Hebrew.

"Thank you for your sane voice," said a Jewish Israeli woman who identified herself as an "activist"."We must remember that the rioters are a minority. Despite their imposing presence in both the media and the public sphere, most citizens - Jews and Arabs - stay at home and watch the chaos with anxiety," she said.

"Cooperation between peace seekers on both sides is the only hope. It should be encouraged."

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