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Full release of faith education program to help form Catholics

Dr. Edward Sri - Wed, Aug 27th 2014

Denver, Colo., Aug 27, 2014 / 02:01 am (CNA).- The release of the complete adult faith formation series “Symbolon: the Catholic Faith Explained” hopes to offer a profound way of encountering the truths of the Catholic Church.


“Symbolon is designed to be a resource for adult faith formation for the new evangelization,” Dr. Edward Sri of the Denver-based Augustine Institute told CNA Aug. 20.


“The Symbolon video series proclaims the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith in a way that meets people where they are at, captivates their hearts and minds for Christ and His Church and forms them with a Catholic worldview that prepares them to engage the many cultural influences today that undermine Christian living.”


Sri is the program director for the Symbolon faith formation series, produced by the Augustine Institute and distributed by Ignatius Press and Lighthouse Catholic Media.


Symbolon is now available in its complete form on DVD and also on mobile devices through a special digital subscription program.


The series’ first 10 episodes focus on Catholic beliefs such as the Trinity, redemption in Christ, the Church, the Bible, Mary and the Saints, creation, the fall and the Last Things. The first 10 episodes were released on DVD in March 2014.


The second 10 episodes which complete the DVD set focus on the encounter with God in the sacraments, the Mass, marriage and lasting love, a Catholic moral vision and Catholic social teaching.


“We wanted to build a program that walks people through the entirety of the Catholic faith in a way that shapes their lives,” Sri continued. “Through the 20 episodes of ‘Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained’ we cover everything a Catholic needs to know about the faith.”


The series includes video presentations with Augustine Institute professors such as Gray, as well as other Catholic speakers including Johnette Benkovic, Patrick Coffin, Teresa Tomeo, Jim Beckman, Leah Darrow, Sean Innerst, Curtis Martin and Father Leo Patalinghug.


Sri said about 2,000 parishes have used Symbolon in parish life and “thousands” of people brought the program into their homes for individual or family viewing.


A parish digital subscription allows parishioners to watch Symbolon videos from their homes, online, on tablets or on their phones at any time.


“The effort is to present the Catholic faith with beautiful videos, but delivered in a way people are used to getting their information today,” Sri said.


He said that the Symbolon program is being used in men and women’s groups, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults preparation process, catechist formation and to educate parents whose children are being prepared for baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation.


Sri said one parish’s director of religious education told him that the parish trains all catechists and volunteers with Symbolon “because they know if they go through this program, they will get all the basics they need to know about the faith.”


The Symbolon program’s website is

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