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Helping people in Gaza

SCIAF - Wed, Aug 6th 2014

Families in Gaza need Scotland's help. 

Since early July, hundreds of innocent civilians – many of them children – have been killed in Gaza. Over 7,500 homes destroyed by bombs, shells and rocket fire. Refugee camps, hospitals, schools, and places of worship have been hit. Many people have no electricity, no running water, no doctors. These people need help, so we've launched an emergency Conflict Appeal. Please make a donation today.

We’ve given £30,000 to our sister charity Caritas Jerusalem, who are already helping 96,000 men, women and children caught up in this terrible conflict. We want to give more. Your donation can provide:

    - Urgent medical care
    - Food and blankets
    - Other basic essentials like soap and buckets for collecting water

Please give what you can. It only takes a minute to complete our online form, and you can save someone’s life. 
To donate over the phone please call us on 0141 354 5555

This is the third war in five years between the Israeli army and Palestinian militants – and innocent civilians are paying the price. New SCIAF director Alistair Dutton has worked in humanitarian emergencies all over the world, and has seen the difference your donations make:

“The humanitarian situation in Gaza is horrific.  As ever, ordinary people are bearing the brunt of the violence.  More than 1,700 people have been killed,
8,000 wounded, and over 250,000 now homeless.  Many civilians have been deeply traumatised by what has happened to them, including an estimated 125,000 children.

 SCIAF’s partners on the ground are providing urgently needed food, clean water, medical supplies, counselling, hygiene kits including soap, toothbrushes and nappies, and other basic essentials such as blankets, cooking utensils and buckets.  We are sending an initial £30,000 in emergency aid and will continue to work with our sister agencies in Caritas to get aid to those who need it most.”  

 Gaza’s in the headlines right now, but we haven’t forgotten about families suffering in other conflict areas like South Sudan and Central African Republic. The money raised by our conflict appeal will be spent in Gaza but also in other war zones where people are desperate for medicine, food and shelter.

Please support our Emergency Conflict Appeal by making a donation and joining us in prayer for lasting peace in the Holy Land.

"They will hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears
into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, no longer will
they learn how to make war."
Isaiah 2:4

God of peace, bearer of hope,
we seek your help
for the peoples of the Middle East.
Quiet the clamour of war
and guide us towards peace.
Where there is hatred and division
sow seeds of calm and openness.
Where there is destruction
help us to rebuild.
Where children are crying
bring an end to tears.
Shelter your peoples and protect them
Guide them and keep them from harm.
Show us how to break down the barriers of history and fear
and breathe whispers of hope.

Linda Jones/CAFOD

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