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In our life's journney

Archbishop J.W.Tobin C.SS.R - Sat, Aug 11th 2012

'We know that our lives began in a place and we sense or, at least, we hope that our lives are going somewhere. Just as pilgrims keep moving in the direction of an unseen sanctuary, so we choose to find meaning in our life's journey by 'walking' towards a place or a Person that we often
glimpse only as reflections in a mirror, mere riddles.' (Cor.13,11)

The holiness of the pilgrimage is not experienced simply on the day when one arrives at the desired goal. The vocation of a pilgrim is also lived each day, each hour and each minute of the journey : in every step taken in faith.

In asking for her 'daily bread', the pilgrim prays to be aware of what is happening now, and not be seduced by nostalgia for an unrecoverable past or already projected into a distant future.'

(Extracted from the book "The Future as Promise")
 Archbishop J.W.Tobin C.SS.R

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