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Inter-Congregational Formation Course for Novices

Fr. Chris Newman, cmf - Thu, Aug 29th 2013

The Claretian Missionaries and the Conference of Religious of England and Wales will continue their service to the young religious in Formation. Starting this coming on the 21st of October  there will be an Inter-Congregational Formation Course for Novices consisting on six weekends along the October 2013 - May 2014 period. 




OCTOBER 2013-MAY 2014

The Place

The St. Claret Centre is set in extensive parkland with a history stretching back to the Domesday Book. Facilities include three chapels, a library,  plenty of meeting space and a large Knot garden. Accommodation is in single rooms and apartments. Limited ground floor accommodation is available.

Located just off the A1, we are easily accessed by road, rail and air.


The Organisers and Speakers

St. Claret Centre Team 

Chris Newman CMF—Director of the Centre
Chris Goodman IBVM—Facilitator
Angel Ochagavia, CMF —Facilitator

Visiting Team members

Speakers with particular areas of expertise are invited in to deliver sessions on these courses. Those who have agreed to present during the 2013-2014 programme are :-

Kevin Melody O.Carm.

Margaret Taylor FMM

Kate Stogdon rc

Cathy Edge RSM

Rev Dr Martin Poulsom SDB


C o u r s e  D a t e s  2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4

OBEDIENCE (1) : 21st to 25th October 2013

OBEDIENCE (2) : 2nd to 6th December 2013

CELIBACY (1)    : 13th to 17th January 2014

CELIBACY (2)    : 24th to 28th February 2014

POVERTY (1)     :  7th to 11th April 2014

POVERTY (2)     : 19th to 23rd May 2014


T h e m e s  c o v e r e d  i n c l u d e . .

The sessions enable a deeper study of the three vows of  Poverty, Chastity and Obedience and related issues. This will include elements of:-

1. Charism and spiritual identity; Human development
2. Scripture; Ecclesiology
3. Call and Response:  Community
4. Psycho-sexual relationships; Authority and power
5. Discernment;  Stewardship

The Team use a variety of different learning styles to explore the themes of the course and build on the skills and experience of the participants. 

Schedule and Cost

1. Sessions begin with supper on the first day and end with lunch on the last day. 

2. The cost of the programme is £2100 per person,
payable by way of installments of £1050 upon booking,
followed by payments of £650 and £400 upon attendance
on the second and third modules respectively. 

For further details and application forms please refer to our website  or contact :-

The Administrator
St. Claret Centre,
The Towers, High Street
Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA
Office Telephone: 01480 810344     

Click here: You can download the Flyer of the courses

                  and the Application Form


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