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International colloquium on “Asian Cultures in Dialogue”

Fr. Jojo, cmf - Sun, Jan 29th 2012

International colloquium on
“Asian Cultures in Dialogue”

Fifty experts, scholars of culture and religions of Asia, from Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism and Taoism - from ten countries and regions in Asia and Western countries met in Thailand to address some issues and respond to urgent needs of modern society.

Among the most important issues discussed at the meeting include the violence, economic crisis, corruption, conflicts between cultures, environmental damage, destruction of cultures and values ??and good governance.

The meeting was held at the Catholic University of the Assumption of Bangkok, with the theme: "Dialogue between cultures of Asia." The event was an initiative of Archbishop of Guwahati Thomas Menamparampil, the office responsible for the Evangelization at the Federation of Asia Bishops' Conferences (FABC).

The purpose of the meeting was to highlight the rich religious and cultural diversity of different countries, to promote positive attitudes toward other religious traditions and highlight the contents of goodness, truth and beauty as well as promote cooperation with other faiths in pursuit of a mutual understanding and sharing of common concerns. Fr. Jojo Ancheril, cmf., was Special guest for this event.

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