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Joint Letter from the Archbishops of Westminster and Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury WebPage - Sun, Oct 21st 2012

To His Grace Archbishop Paulino Lukudu Loro, Catholic Metropolitan Archbishop of Juba, and The Most Reverend Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul, Archbishop and Primate of Episcopal Church of the Sudan and Bishop of ECS Diocese of Juba        


Dear Brothers in Christ,


We have been heartened by your joint efforts to offer guidance to your fellow citizens, government officials and to the international community on the best way forward for SudanandSouth Sudanand wish to offer you our congratulations, support and prayer.  We share your deep concern for all your people, and for the particular needs you identify for the communities in Jonglei and Abyei.  We also stand with you in praying for a negotiated resolution of the conflicts in South Kordofan, Blue Nile andDarfur and for access for much needed humanitarian assistance.


At the heart of your appeal is the call for everyone to reject violence, religious or tribal discrimination and corruption.  This is a message we wholly endorse and we will take up your hopes and concerns with our own authorities here in theUK. 


Your efforts will remain in our prayers and we hope that you will be able to continue together to offer your guidance and wise counsel to all women and men of good will in South Sudan, Sudan and beyond.


With our greetings and best wishes


+ Vincent Nichols                     + Rowan Cantuar: 


London, 18 October 2012
St Luke the Evangelist

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