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KENYA: Church Development needs Effective Management, Cardinal

Cisa News - Mon, Sep 26th 2011

Effective management of church resources is the answer to church development, John Cardinal Njue told delegates at a three-day Pan-African financial and management training course, organized by Caritas Internationalis, in Nairobi from September 21 to 23.

Over 50 delegates, drawn from various sectors of Caritas programmes in 25 countries of Africa participated in the training, whose theme was Improving Management and Transparency in the Caritas Internationalis.

“I believe that the subject of this conference could not have come at a more opportune time than this when available financial donor resources are shifting. Traditional donors are scaling down aid, refocusing their evangelization and attention to the Far East or are increasingly having doubts about the performance and effectiveness of traditional aid support,” said Cardinal Njue.

“As church organizations, we are required to set the standard in transparency by committing ourselves to distinction, competence and efficacy, as guided by the Gospel and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church,” the Cardinal further noted.

“As Church in Mission Land, we have come a long way in financial management; we no longer rely fully on the good will extended to us by donors, we have to embrace the guiding principles of financial management and uphold the highest levels of integrity. This will add value to our accountability in finances and related resources,” he pointed out.

The Cardinal reminded the delegates at the training course that, “As we allocate financial resources to the pastoral mission, we become the instruments of Christ, the Pastor Per excellence.”

He commended the Caritas Internationalis for its hearty response to humanitarian appeal for the people in Kenya and the Horn of African region affected by famine.

“There is no better moment for us to learn from your success stories than now. We take this early opportunity to offer our most sincere gratitude for your continuous support to us in times of emergencies,” added the Cardinal.

The Course was directed by Jacques Dinah, Executive Secretary for Caritas, Africa Region; Jacob Winter, director of Finance and Administration, Caritas Internationalis and Frank Boomers, Financial Management Consultant.

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