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La Civiltà Cattolica, Digital English Edition

Fr. Michael Kelly, SJ - Mon, Nov 16th 2020

La Civiltà Cattolica  <> 
To:    Mon, 16 Nov at 04:33 

Dear Friend in Christ,

Greetings from La Civiltà Cattolica, one of the most respected Catholic journals published from the center of Catholicism: Rome.

La Civiltà Cattolica, a publishing project given to the Jesuits by Pope Pius IX in 1850, is one of the oldest and continuously published Catholic journals in the world.

We are pleased to announce that La Civilta Cattolica is now available to readers on a new basis.

Since we launched the English Edition in February 2017, our monthly issues have contained hundreds of articles and essays on Church Life, Church Thought, Music, Art and Politics.

But now we are able to make individual monthly editions available to purchase without having to subscribe, pay a fraction of the annual fee to buy the issue you need for study, for work or personal reflection.

Our commentary and analysis is considered, well informed and provides a clear indication of what Rome is thinking on a wide range of issues that affect the contemporary Church.

Every monthly issue since February 2017 is available to purchase for just US9.95.

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With prayers and best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Michael Kelly, SJ
La Civiltà Cattolica, Digital English Edition
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