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Macron's need to balance audacity with caution

Global Pulse - La Croix International - Sat, Jun 24th 2017

Despite the Republic on the Move political party's success in the French National Assembly elections, President Macron does not have a blank check. He will need to work closely with civil society organizations in order to achieve his ambitions. Jean-Christophe Ploquin

The Élysée Palace has been the official residence of the President of France since 1848. / Tangopaso / Wikipedia

A spectacular success for Emmanuel Macron was anticipated on Sunday evening in the second round of the National Assembly elections, with the results already clear even before the results were announced.A crushing majority should in effect allow him to push through his reform program.

Following his election six weeks ago, this is a majestic conclusion to an astonishing electoral sequence.A year ago he was a young outsider, barely known by the broader public. Now Macron has an opportunity to pass measures that will transform the face of France in the economic, social, security, social fields with a consequent effect on the European Union.

This is unprecedented.Nevertheless, this success amounts to an optical illusion - a trompe-l’oeil. Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the second round of the presidential election on May 7 cannot be questioned.However, the first round of the presidential also revealed the existence of four antagonistic political projects with more or less equal support among the electorate.

Moreover, the outcome of the National Assembly elections is exaggerated by the high rate of abstention among voters.Although President Macron’s opponents clearly failed to mobilize over the last two Sundays, this does not imply that they have accepted his vision of France or that they are ready to endorse the changes he is planning. Society as a whole remains under stress and full of contradictions.

Despite his national ambitions and his strategic desire to move quickly, Macron will need to balance his audacity with caution. Although he has managed to accumulate significant power, he will need to be able to manage the parliamentary debate and continue to ensure consultation with trade unions, major civil society organizations, religious leaders, etc.Thus, in spite of appearances, he does not have a blank check.

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