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Madrid’s Restaurants Collaborating with WYD

- Sun, Jun 5th 2011

Pilgrims will eat in restaurants throughout the city

Madrid, May 27, 2011- Young people attending World Youth Day (WYD) the third week of August will benefit from the restaurant network of the Greater Madrid Area, thanks to an agreement with the FEHRCAREM (Association of Modern Restaurant Chains) restaurant association.

FEHRCAREM has reached an agreement with the Vineyard Association that brings together hundreds of independent restaurants and bars. The collaboration of both, in addition to other chains, will form a network of restaurants and bars to feed the pilgrims and volunteers of WYD in Madrid. Bars and restaurants that do not belong to these associations are also welcome to participate and the hope is that any local franchise interested in joining the network will do so. Ample support from Madrid’s restaurants will allow the benefits resulting from this service to be distributed among small and middle- size enterprises.

FEHRCAREM currently consists of: Grupo Rodilla, Autogrill, Grupo Areas, Brutus, Buffalo Grill, Comess Group, Le Pain Quotidien, Cafestore, The Eat Out Group, Mc Donald’s, Select Service Partner, Grupo Restalia (100 Montaditos), Telepizza, Casual Brand, Grupo Barril, Abades, Buffalo Grill, Beer and Food, and Grupo Vips. The franchises will cooperate according to their location and
the type of service they offer.

Participants in World Youth Day that have requested meals in their registration – an estimated 400,000 pilgrims – will receive a book of meal tickets that can be redeemed at hundreds of restaurant partners within the Greater Madrid Area.

Nearly 6 million meals in one week

Thus, independently owned businesses and restaurant chains located throughout the Madrid area will be involved in providing meals to hundreds of thousands of people attending WYD. Madrid’s restaurant network will
distribute a total of around 6 million meals during the third week of August.

The meal service to pilgrims will adapt at all times to the activities that will be prepared for them. During the mornings of August 16 to 19, the youth will attend catechesis talks that will be given by bishops from around the world and held in various suburbs of Madrid. Areas located near the sites for the catechesis will offer various restaurants with the “Pilgrim’s Menu”, so that young people can have something to eat without having to travel long distances or wait in line.

Young people will be able to choose from a wide variety of food styles and menus from among the associated restaurants. The needs of special groups, such as those with celiac disease or diabetes, will also be taken into consideration by the restaurants chosen. Moreover, in the afternoon of the same day, downtown Madrid will host many cultural events and multitudinous acts such as the Opening Mass and the Stations of the Cross. In anticipation of a massive influx of pilgrims, FEHRCAREM will install a series of distribution points in the street, using tents and trucks to avoid overcrowding of local facilities.

The meal supply system chosen for this WYD is an innovative approach compared to past WYD’s, which were based on meals served in a “picnic” style. It combines the best possible service delivery to the pilgrim with a promotion of the capacity, quality, and professional style of Madrid’s restaurants. Even so, both sides are working constantly both to increase the network of franchises
that can offer the 'Pilgrim's Menu "and to ensure adequate information for attendees.

The weekend at Cuatro Vientos

The main events during WYD weekend will be held at the Cuatro Vientos Air Base. The multinational ARAMARK will be responsible for distribution on the grounds of the air base, handing out over 1.5 million meals to participants who have applied for meal supply in their registration. 125 trucks will carry out the transportation of the food to the site. The meals will then be distributed by over 950 people in tents that will be set up to attend to pilgrims.

The two food service agreements for World Youth Day were finalized following the proposals received by the over 25 franchises that participated in the competitions.


More Information: WYD Official Website

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