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Nun killed in Ecuador eathquake

Reporters - Mon, Apr 25th 2016

Nun killed in Ecuador eathquake

A young nun from Derry was among more than 400 people killed in an earthquake in Ecuador last Saturday. The bodies of 33-year-old Sr Clare Theresa Crockett and four other women were discovered among the rubble of a school in Playa Prieta belonging to her order, the Home of the Mother. In a BBC interview Fr Roland Colhoun, her spiritual director, remembered a joyful, enthusiastic and countercultural young woman.

Children at Catholic primary schools are to be taught about the importance of priests and sisters through assemblies developed by the National Office for Vocation and the theatre group Ten Ten. “The Gift of Priests and Sisters” tells the stories of priests and Religious interviewed for the project about their vocations, what they enjoy most about their ministry and what their favourite sports. and hobbies are.

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