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Pope "angry and disgusted" over burning of Quran in Sweden

La Croix International staff - Wed, Jul 5th 2023

Francis categorically rejects the idea that the desecration of holy books should be allowed in the name of free speech.

Pope Francis said he felt "angry and disgusted" at last week's Quran burning in Sweden and condemned and rejected the desecration of the Muslim holy book as a form of freedom of speech.

"I feel angry and disgusted at these actions," Pope Francis said in an interview in the United Arab Emirates' Arabic language daily "Al Ittihad", published on July 3. "Any book considered sacred by its authors must be respected out of respect for its believers, and freedom of expression must never be used as an excuse to despise others, and to allow this, must be rejected and condemned," he said.

A man tore up and burned a Quran in Stockholm, capital of Sweden where courts have allowed anti-Quran demonstrations saying that not allowing such acts infringed freedom of speech. However, the burning of the Quran was condemned by the Swedish government and Sweden Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson saying, "It is a serious security situation. There is no reason to insult other people."

The Quran burning incident took place outside the Great Mosque of Stockholm on June 28, as Muslims worldwide celebrated the great Muslim festiwal of Eid al-Adha in memory of Abraham's Sacrifice.

Pope Francis in his interview with "Al Ittihad" also spoke of the role of religions in furthering world peace. "The future of interfaith cooperation is based on the principle of reciprocity, respect for the other and the truth," the pope told the newspaper that is part of the Abu Dhabi Media group, a government organization. An English transcript provided to journalists.

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