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Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill hold emergency online meeting

Loup Besmond de Senneville | Vatican City - Mon, Mar 21st 2022

The Roman Pope and Moscow Patriarch discuss the war in Ukraine, insist on the need for negotiations for a "just peace", according to Russian Orthodox Church.

Pope Francis meets with Russian Patriarch Kirill in Havana, Cuba, Feb. 2, 2016. (Photo by STR/MAXPPP)

Pope Francis has held an emergency online meeting with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in his latest attempt to help calm the alarming situation in Ukraine.The Bishop of Rome and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church held a video conference on Wednesday during which they "discussed in detail the situation on Ukrainian soil", according to a statement from the Moscow Patriarchate"

The parties stressed the great importance of the ongoing negotiation process, expressing the hope that a just peace can be achieved as soon as possible," said the statement, which contained language reminiscent of that which the Kremlin has used since the beginning of the crisis.

"War is never the answer"

A Vatican statement, however, emphasized other issues the two Church leaders discussed."The Church must not use the language of politics, but the language of Jesus," Francis told Kirill, the Vatican said.The patriarch is often singled out for being too close to the Kremlin."Wars are always unjust, for it is the people of God who pay the price. (...) War is never the answer," the pope told him, according to the Vatican."Those who pay the bill for the war are the people, the Russian soldiers and those who are bombed and die," the Vatican quoted the pope as saying.The conversation took place in the presence of Metropolitan Hilarion, "minister of foreign affairs" for the Moscow Patriarchate, and Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.The conversation, which a number of experts within the Vatican itself had been advocating, came in the wake of a series of more spiritual initiatives the pope has taken.

Spiritual offensive

First of all, many observers interpreted the pope's comments on Ukraine last Sunday as directed to Kirill. Francis declared that "God is only the God of peace" and said those who support violence "profane" the name of God.The patriarch, on the other hand, has supported the Russian attack on Ukraine and has even described it as a form of holy war.In a high-profile Sunday homily on March 6, Kirill placed the conflict in Ukraine on the "metaphysical" plane of the confrontation between "God's law" and "sin".The previous Sunday he had already castigated those who fight against the historical unity of Russia and Ukraine, labeling them the "forces of evil".

"Forgive us, Lord, if we continue to kill our brother"

The second element of the pope's "spiritual offensive" is his decision to consecrate both Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.This highly symbolic gesture was already performed in the 20th century by three different popes, particularly in times of war or very strong tensions.Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1942, while John Paul II did the same in 1981 and 1984.The Polish pope decided not to consecrate Russia explicitly, so as not to offend the Kremlin or the Russian Orthodox Church.But by announcing his intention to consecrate both Russia and Ukraine, Francis wanted to continue his spiritual responses to the war, assuming his role as a religious leader, alongside the work carried out by Vatican diplomats.The pope will perform the symbolic act of consecration during a penance service in St. Peter's Basilica on March 25, the day Catholics and Orthodox Christians observe the Feast of the Annunciation.

"Stop the hand of Cain!"

Finally, Francis read a powerful prayer at the end of his weekly general audience on Wednesday – just before his video conference with Kirill – during which he implored God to end the violence in Ukraine."Forgive us, Lord, if we continue to kill our brother, if we continue like Cain to take stones from our field to kill Abel," he pleaded.He also prayed for Cain, an obvious reference to Russia, the aggressor in the current conflict."Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, we implore you! Stop the hand of Cain," he prayed.Then he went a little further: "And when you have stopped Cain's hand, take care of him too. He is our brother."

Cultural cooperation between the Churches

In addition to the classic diplomatic channels the Vatican has pursued since the beginning of the crisis, the pope and his diplomats have also been trying to keep open the possibility of a channel of communication with the Moscow Patriarchate. Francis and Kirill held a first-ever meeting between a Roman pope and Moscow patriarch in 2016 in Cuba. And they had planned to meet again in June in a place that had not yet been determined.But this plan, on which Moscow and Rome were still working a few days before the start of the war, is now no longer on the agenda, according to several Vatican sources."It is difficult to see how a meeting would be possible again with Krill, whoever the pope is," explained one of them.

The Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate also no longer officially maintain a relationship on the theological level.In 2018 Moscow abandoned the Catholic Church's ongoing discussion with all the Orthodox Churches in protest against the place occupied by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.On the other hand, the Holy See and Moscow have maintained a relationship in the field of theological education, particularly through the Vatican's granting of scholarships to Russian priests so they can study in pontifical universities in Rome.This is a sort of "cultural cooperation" that continues.

A few hours after speaking with the pope via video, Patriarch Kirill also held a similar meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Justin Welby.ore at:

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