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Sonnet: Life's Like A Train Journey

Dr. John Celes - Wed, Mar 6th 2013




Sonnet: Life's Like A Train Journey


Life's like a train journey. God's the driver;

We're off to a place called Eternity.

Disembarking's left to each passenger,

From birth till death. We choose any city.


This train is safe to travel to the end.

We shouldn't put our heads or limbs outside,

No matter through tunnel or acute bend.

The journey's certainly a jolly ride.


The speed of the train's left for one to choose;

The conditions of travel left to each.

'Tis left to each to sleep, watch, work or booze,

God's city is within everyone's reach.


The rail is safe; so's the engine too.

To reach God's place depends only on you.


DR. JOHN CELES   (India 2003)

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